
I can understand your concern, except that all the points I raised I agreed with from my own reading of the accounts, as well. I just felt like referring to someone else who shared my perspective added another level of credence to the discussion. Be that as it may, there are also other writings concerning this paritcular apparition which point out much of the same things. (See the Orthodox site referred to in earlier post, for example.) It’s less who is saying (at least as far as I am concerned–to a degree), then it is what is being said. Salbato was just a readily available source on this issue. I am currently in communication with a priest associated with EWTN regarding this issue and will pass on any helpful observations he may have to offer later. Thank you for your comments! I am glad to see this discussion is continuing…I respect your opinion, but I think that it is naivety to put any trust in what Sabalto has to say. Did not Jesus and John the Baptist call the Pharisees a “brood of vipers”?
What you think is well researched is often of very doubtful value. There are times when the writer actually goes over the line with comments that are published. Some of the material that I have seen from this source are without a doubt meant to cause harm to others. The mere fact that he and his offsiders have produced the petition to overturn what has been accepted by the Church is yet another reason to doubt their sincerity. The grounds that they produced for their petition are full of unverifiable facts, and I might add that there is evidence of slander in the petition.
I prefer to ignore such an infamous source of information and where necessary to make up my own mind on the issues that they feature so often in Unity Publishing. I have no time for Sabalto, E. Michael Jones or any of their cohorts. I keep wondering what is their angle, and I can see that they are afraid at any attempts to unite Christendom so that we are one again.