“But, just to be “giving”, here are the scientifically verifiable defintions of God:
*) He is omnipotent.
*) He is all-loving.
*) He is all-just.
*) He is all-merciful.”
See now, as a concept of god, I have no problem with what you have listed here. I lack belief in this concept of god, as I lack belief in any concept of god that I have come across. Other concepts of god might include the characteristic of omniscience, but perhaps you alreacy consider that included in ‘omnipotent’. Other common characteristics of concepts of god also include the entity which is directly responsible for the creation of the universe, the entity which is responsible for the creation of humans, the entity which is responsible for our morality, etc, etc.
So, when we are talking to each other about God, if you are using the above criteria to define the ‘entity’ (for want of a better word) that you are talking about, I don’t think our concepts are so utterly different as you say.
Now obviously you’ve said that “I absolutely agree with you that ALL the conclusions that you come to about your “god” are perfectly valid given the premises with which you base those conclusions on.” so I guess you’ll probably want to retract this. And of course your claims that those definitions are scientifically verifiable are sketchy at best.
“Your “concept” of god is “a nonexistent fantasy”. That IS your conscious concept of god. Your actual unconscious humanly-intrinsic concept of God (which of necessity MUST be correct) is the one that you, as a human being, USE while PROFESSING your “nonexistent fantasy” concept for “protective” reasons.”
Complete and utter irrelevant speculation about what my concept of god is, I’m right here, you could have just asked me instead of getting it so very wrong, I hope my paragraph above clears it up for you.
“As I said, your sig is not only descriptive of atheists, as I also don’t believe in a god. It is also descriptive of monotheists, and MOST particularly descriptive of Catholic Christians”
And again, I don’t think the concept of god that I lack belief in is so different from the concept of god you are using.
“Since you don’t SEEM to understand the utter incompatibility of God with “a god” or “the gods”, you can’t figure out WHY it is that your sig also describes Christians (and Jews and moslems and whatever other true monotheists there are out there).”
And you can’t SEEM to understand that other people have different concepts of god and gods, and as such this means that your concept of god is necessarily just one of many concepts of god.
“You profess, consciously, that God is “unreal”, which is nothingness, a vaccuum.”
No, I specifically do not profess that. I profess that I lack belief in any concept of god that I am aware of, one concept of which is your concept of god. As the ultimate authority on what I do or do not believe, it would behoove you to pay heed to this
“You are an “atheist” who defines “being an atheist” as “not being a theist”. That tells us what you aren’t, but not what you are.”
Exactly right. That’s all the ‘a’ prefix does. It’s not the same prefix as ‘anti’. Take the word symetrical and asymetrical. symetrical tells us that whatever shape it is, it IS a mirrored image down at least one central dividing line. Asymetrical only tells us that it isn’t symetrical. Likewise, if we’re talking about beliefs in a god, we are talking about theism. If you want to talk about what my beliefs actually are, you can’t logically deduce them from my atheism. Again, I’m right here, if you want to ask me, but personally I’m more interested in talking about God and the evidence or lack thereof at the moment.
“You are here solely to make us work, and largely spin our wheels”
Well, the burden of proof IS on those that make a claim…
“That is why you are of less than no value to converse with in the subject area of God-stuff.”
Gee thanks. I think you’ll find I’ve spent more time than the average theist considering many theological arguments, and hope you don’t always just dismiss out of hand that which doesn’t match your presuppositions. If you think there is any value in what you said the purpose of these forums are, then I think you may have overstated things here out of your own frustration resulting from your furiously spinning wheels, which have no traction of logic.
“And the ultimate barrier of the so-called atheist rises!”
Sorry for asking what terms you wanted me to define I guess.
“The process to verify these truths is:
*) Believe them. (Treat them as axiomatic.)
*) Have faith in those beliefs. (Hold those beliefs through time.)
*) Find the truths privately revealed to you which coincide with the public revelation of the Church to illuminate further truths to believe. (Confirm evidence against revelation to give reasons for further beliefs to be futher investigated.)
*) Rinse and repeat, forever and ever, amen.”
This is a horrible and twisted way of thinking. You can ‘verify’ anything at all this way, it has precisely zero relevance to any goals of finding truth or avoiding error. This is complete abandonment of your critical thinking functions.
“The problem is that you DO believe in God, while claiming that you don’t. How can I say that? Because it is not possible to be human and not believe in God. That you choose to call God something, or many somethings, else so that you can pick fights with people who call Him God is just a nifty little game.”
Again, I am the ultimate authority on what I do or do not believe, not you. As such, I can assure you that it is perfectly possible to be human and not believe in God. In your concept of god anyway.
“You DO believe in evidence that the world “holds together”, and the “time does move forward”, and that there is correctness and incorrectness.”
I can see the world holding together, and have some basic understanding of gravity. Time is absolutely mind-boggling, and I would have trouble articulating my thoughts on it. Again, you have pretended to know what I believe presumably because by asserting it as my position it makes your case easier to argue. This is just a strawman fallacy, and has little to no relevance to anything I’m saying. Correctness and incorrectness… I’m not sure of the context or definitions you’re using here, so won’t comment.
“There is just some “I don’t WANNA!” involved with you somewhere which has you playing your cute little game.”
Why wouldn’t I ‘wanna’? If you’re right, then with relatively little effort (in relative comparison with eternity) I could assure myself a place in heaven, which is generally supposed to be considered a pretty good place. I could see it as being very comforting to me to believe such a thing. Unfortunately, Pascal’s wager doesn’t work, because by believing in YOUR concept of god, I could very well be inciting the wrath of a different god. Meanwhile, it ignores the value of THIS life, which is the only one that I do have evidence for.
"You are an excellent example, and not necessarily, by ANY MEANS, a bad one, of what being a so-called atheist means. "
Well, thanks I think.