God created man in His own image, and with a deep-seated desire to know and love Him. People of all different cultures have grasped at aspects of the truth (we Catholics are lucky in that we have the fullness of the truth). Atheists worship a god called chance - they believe everything that exists is only an accident. Since there is no designer, there can be no design. Talk about illogical [edited]!One popular idea I hear from atheists is that religious belief is nothing more than a result of deep-rooted psychological and social conditioning.
But since religious or supernatural belief has been so pervasive around the world since (as far as we can tell) the dawn of man, how can the atheist declare himself immune or unaffected by such hard-wired human tendencies?
In other words, how can the atheist be confident that he, unlike vast majority of people who ever existed, is thinking clearly unlike us silly religious folk?
There seems like there must be a logical fallacy in there somewhere, but I just can’t p(name removed by moderator)oint it by name.