Good Morning Adam. These are very insightful questions and I hope that I can give you an answer that is 1/2 as insightful!
Adam D: I don’t know why there should be any problem, logically, in believing that He can bi-locate, and take bread and wine for his body. Was there something you should point out by way of inconsistency in this idea?
The reason the Eucharist is consistent comes directly from Scripture. Look to John 6. When questioned about His meaning on Eating His Flesh and Drinking His Blood, Jesus NEVER rephrased the teaching or told a parable to correct what was a misunderstanding by the crowd. If Jesus had not meant His Body was REAL food He would have said-----“Hold up folks-----this is what I mean…” and then He would have taught them a different way. To rephrase was the “Jesus kinda reaction” to a misunderstanding. All through the Gospels Jesus rephrased, used parables and just plain simplified things that were being misunderstood. In John 6- Jesus allowed those who thought He meant
real food to walk. If He were simply using a parallell He would have retaught the principle. That is Jesus’ MO.
Also look to His comparison of Manna. Jesus is the fulfillment of the Manna
Real Food! Not something imaginary, something that would sustain us in the desert of our journey.
Almost all Christians Traditions understand that the Ark of the Covenant is a prefigurement of Christ. Let’s look at what was in the Ark:
- The staff of Aaron (Jesus is the Good Shephard)
- The Law (Jesus fulfilled -not abolished - the Law Mt 5:17)
- The Manna (His Flesh is REAL food and His BLOOD real drink)
Also we need to understand the Jewish meaning of Passover. It is understood that the Suffering, Death and Ressurection of Christ is the New Covenant Passover where we are freed from the slavery of Sin! Jesus was a practicing JEW. When the Jews celebrate Passover they re-enact the Exodus event as a covenental people. They are not just remembering the Passover they are bringing the event into the present as the Exodus applies to all members of the covenant-past-present-and-future.
That is what Christ did at the Last supper. Christ gave His body as the Perfect Lamb for the New Covenant Passover (see Isaiah) only the Perfect Lamb could atone for our sins.In the Book of Exodus–at the Passover event-------the Lamb must be EATEN. Just as we do when we celebrate the Eucharist. It is the fulfillment of the Exodus from sin. The Eucharist is the New Covenant Passover Event that
seals the deal identifies and
strengthens the people of the New Covenant for their journey out of the slavery of sin.
This also answers your question of WHY the Church. For 2000 years this truth has been protected and defended. It is in the teaching of Mother Church that we have the fullness of truth that was given by Christ. The Eucharist is the biggie of those truths------it is the source and the summit of the Catholic Faith. The Eucharist is our SAVIOR- body, blood, soul and divinity.
Jesus is the Truth. We love Jesus. Jesus promised to send His Spirit to guide His bride the church in ALL Truth. If you know the teachings of the Church…You more fully know Him. Who would say that knowing the Fullness of Christ isn’t our goal?
Be in God’s Peace,