And a priest essentially says that there is a “grave” obligation to have sexual intercourse in marriage. And for instance if you have a headache curable by aspirin it is not right to refuse your partner.
I wasn’t going to get into this, and I’ll probably regret it once I have gotten into it, but then again I am not well known for thinking ahead.
To paraphrase someone formerly near and dear to us (not!), “that all depends on what the definition of “sexual intercourse” is.”
For my wife, it is now limited to simply allowing me to use her body to achieve a physical release. No foreplay (which deprives me of the pleasure of giving her pleasure), no nothing. Just get it over with.
There are two reasons that I am positive about. What I don’t know is which of the two reasons is the majority reason, and which is the minority reason. (I should mention, by the way, that we are both approaching 60 and that pregnancy is not an issue.)
One of the reasons would be her physical and other problems, and possibly the side effects of the prescription medications that she uses.
The other reason is that, as she puts it, I “don’t do the Dr. Phil stuff.” That’s true, I don’t. I tried, and I found it like repeating lines in a play, trying to act out someone else’s script as my own life. That’s not how I’ve been wired to show love. I’ve shown love by 34 years of faithfulness, by helping out when she’s been down physically or otherwise, but working a part-time job that I really dislike (I’m retired) to make sure that we have enough money for her medical expenses, etc.
Nevertheless, because I “don’t do the Dr. Phil stuff,” I’ve become sexually unattractive to her. She’s willing to do what I’ve mentioned, in order to fulfill the “obligation.” However, the only thing she’s willing to do makes me feel like I’m just using her body for an act of the m-word. Furthermore, I’m also wired to back away where I know I’m not wanted (which has kept me out of a lot of fights and conflicts

). To put it another way, you could put me and Angelina Jolie in a hot tub and tell me, “All legal and moral restrictions are off–do what you want to do,” and if I knew that she thought I was a toad (which she probably would), the only thing we’d wind up sharing would be the water in the hot tub. When I know my partner finds me unattractive, that is the end of my desire for sex with her.
I don’t know where this all is going to end up. I guess what I wanted to say is that if you and your spouse are in a mutually fulfilling sex life without having to resort to the mention of obligations, then go to church, hold hands, and praise God for it. I think that if statistics could be taken we would find out that there are a lot more people in my position than in yours.