I was using a defination of “proof” as in evidence or test (definations #1, #2 or #4 below not #3). Perhaps the term proof was not best choice of words becasue it has such multiple meaning.Will we get more proof that Catholic teaching is true?
We have no “proof” at all. We have evidence, that’s all; our belief in the truths of Catholicism is all a matter of faith, a faith which God has bestowed upon us.
If “proof” were available, how could anyone refuse to accept Catholic teaching? They could not.
proof proof ]
noun (plural proofs)
- conclusive evidence: evidence or an argument that serves to establish a fact or the truth of something
- test of something: a test or trial of something to establish whether it is true
- state of having been proved: the quality or condition of having been proved
- law trial evidence: the evidence in a trial that helps to determine the court’s decision