And Now We Have Lists

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All in all the king at that time was a relatively mild king. Certainly not like those who came before him.
Read the “Declaration of Independence”, that will tell you all you need to know about your “mild” king.
Yes, what you just said is true and is borne out by how the two nations progressed after their respective revolutions. Free and fair elections where people with differing political views were able to attain power and put their ides for the nation into practice happened in America. Meanwhile in Cuba, there existed but one political party with one set of political ideas that was forced upon the entire nation. There were no free and fair elections and the political opposition was either imprisoned or executed.
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Naw, we still had to fight another war to nominally get rid of slavery, Cuba’s revolution did it in one.
I think your original message was calling out action and behaviour, not views. But okay.
They are doing what they are doing because these people support Trump - i.e. people with a differing political viewpoint, outlook, or opinion. Call it what you want - I call the whole thing just plain wrong and should not be happening here in America.

We (Conservatives and Republicans) did not lose our collective minds when Barack Obama won the presidency. We regrouped and came back strong 2 years later and won the Congress, and 6 years after that the presidency. No one was blacklisted or retaliated against, we accepted the will of the people and respected the system. Today’s Democrat left just can’t seem to do the same.
We (Conservatives and Republicans) did not lose our collective minds when Barack Obama won the presidency.
Dude yes you did! Are you kidding me? I was firmly on the right at that time. I remember all the hoopla.
Naw, we still had to fight another war to nominally get rid of slavery, Cuba’s revolution did it in one.
There was slavery in Batista’s Cuba? Wow, that’s news to me. Please tell me where I can find information as to the continuation of the institution of slavery in Cuba under Batista, I am always interested in learning the truth about things.
Dude yes you did! Are you kidding me? I was firmly on the right at that time. I remember all the hoopla.
Okay. What made up dossier did we bring up to damage the President? Who in the CIA and FBI illegally spied on the President for the Republicans? How many times did we call Obama Hitler? Illegitimate? When was the impeachment trial for President Obama?
How many times did we call Obama Hitler? Illegitimate?
You really want to bring up those accusations? Dude, I get it. You’re upset. But this overreacting needs to stop. It’s not good for anyone, including you.
You really want to bring up those accusations? Dude, I get it. You’re upset. But this overreacting needs to stop. It’s not good for anyone, including you.
Upset? You bet and extremely disappointed that Democrats and the left need to seek retribution against people who differ from them politically. This is the kind of stuff Stalin and his associates did and is not worthy of our great American tradition of political liberty. Sad to see that you seem to have no problem with this course of action.
This is the kind of stuff Stalin and his associates did and is not worthy of our great American tradition of political liberty.
I find that an extremely inappropriate comparison. Are you aware of how many died in the Purges under Stalin?
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I find that an extremely inappropriate comparison. Are you aware of how many died in the Purges under Stalin?
Yes. Now, how long before the firing squads are formed here? The first step is to severely limit firearms ownership which Democrats and the left champion. "One of the basic conditions for the victory of socialism is the arming of the workers, Communist and the disarming of the bourgeoisie, the middle class. - Lenin.
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Okay. What made up dossier did we bring up to damage the President?
Well this was pretty bad.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Barack Obama citizenship conspiracy theories

During Barack Obama’s campaign for president in 2008, throughout his presidency, and afterwards, “there was extensive news coverage of Obama’s religious preference, birthplace, and of the individuals questioning his religious belief and citizenship—efforts eventually known as the ‘birther movement’”, by which name it is widely referred to across media. The movement falsely asserted Obama was ineligible to be President of the United States because he was not a natural-born Theories alleged t…
How many times did we call Obama Hitler?

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Republican congressman compares Obama to Hitler - CNNPolitics

Rep. Randy Weber is apologizing for a tweet that compared President Barack Obama’s absence at a Paris march to Adolf Hitler.
See the first link above.
Very good reply. But nothing like what happened to candidate Trump when he was: A. Spied upon by the sitting POTUS (with the dirty work being done by supposedly neutral CIA and FBI) B. With calls for impeachment of President Trump from the very beginning by several elected officials. C. Investigation by a “Special Counsel”. D. An actual impeachment trial with little supporting evidence. The man was hounded time and time again for the last 4 years without precedent.
Purges happened after the US gained independence. Even some death sentences were handed down. It’s not like American history is devoid of similar incidences.
That is not what is happening now. This is a concerted effort by one group of Americans to place retribution on other Americans with a differing political viewpoint. Such an effort is indeed Stalinist, something that can only come from intolerant people and has no place in America.
Be forewarned! First lists, then show trials, then purges. Stalin did it all, and it looks like the radicals are headed in that direction, with no sign of cooler heads and decent people trying to stop them. Evil prevails when good people do nothing.
Here is my thoughts and analysis after more than 6 decades of observations:

Since the early 1960s when Kennedy is thought to have stolen the election from Nixon and Nixon was convinced that contesting the election would be detrimental to America the two political sides and working together for the good of America has deteriorated each presidential election. There have been a couple of bright spots of unification that are short lived - usually around some natural disaster or national emergency.

While both sides have contributed to this reality - in my opinion and observations - the left has been ever and ever more disposed to take the dirty tricks and vitriol to the next level. It is one of the reasons all of the dismay over Trumps Tweets ring so hollow. I believe a few major set back events are at the heart of they contempt for not only the political right but their obvious distaste for the average Americans - which used to be foundational to their base. The first was the ability of the Republican Party to recover from Watergate so quickly with the American people. That Jimmy Carter was a one term president and replaced by Ronald Reagan was a great blow. Ronald Reagan won a second term which was just untenable followed by Bush. That was a very long 12 years for the Democratic party.

Clinton came to their rescue and had a good run of 8 years but his inability to keep his pants on [well known before he was elected to governor let alone president] and republic control of Congress meant that Clinton had to move to the center and on some things center right - which did not sit well.

While they thought they still had power due to Bill’s popularity - it did not transfer into continued White House control and Bush won a slim victory over Gore - and it was hard fought in the courts too. And Bush won re-election too.

Obama was that dream candidate as Joe stated - I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” and he won overwhelmingly and the era of foundationally changing America had arrived - except it had not … and in their grab for power the Democrats changed rules for judicial appointments after blocking Bush’s appointees - and were warned that it would not ode well … and it has been down hill

The first story of Impeaching Donald Trump was written months before he became the nominee and repeated intermittently including the day after he was declared the president elect. Egregiously an FBI agent manufactured - falsified evidence submitted to a FISA Court for a warrant to spy on a US Citizen - the false dossier bought an paid for by the other major political party was used for years against Trump. Riots and public/private property destruction, harassment and assault have been common place all targeted against Trump and those who support him - the level of vitriol has been shocking and I am not easily shocked. The left has become unhinged and it is power at any cost by any method - America just needs to get out of their way
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