The Boy Scouts will be far batter off to simply be completely independent of outside control. I say they should rely solely on membership money and that way that can make and administer any rules they desire. Otherwise, agenda driven groups will always be out to get them.
I hear you but there is no way that the registration fees will pay for things like: books, leader training (remember, that is the thing that keeps the boys safe), background checks, upkeep of the campgrounds, Pack/Troop outings, Pinewood Derby cars/tracks/trophies/etc., neckerchiefs and hats given at the “bridging” ceremony, Blue and Gold dinners, etc., etc., etc.
While good in theory, it simply won’t work in practical application. And, the Boy Scouts shouldn’t be held to a different standard than other organizations. Are the Yeshiva universities who receive Pell grants punished? The Boy Scouts is what this society needs MORE of, not less. We need men who can lead, think independently, help other people as well as fend for themselves, just to name a very few things that my sons have learned in the last 5 years. These are things that do not come through in sports or in any other activity that a young person would be involved in.
Because I am so closely involved with this organization, it is clear to me that those people who pull the “athiest”, “bigot”, “homophobe” cards are simply ignorant of the value that the BSA gives to society as a whole. And, when push comes to shove, you can bet that the young people we see today with their faces pierced, assault weapons shooting up malls, doing methamphetamine, impregnating and abandoning girls, etc. weren’t part of the Boy Scout organization.