Angelic Names

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Each of us has one angel as a guardian. One who walks with us from birth until death. We also have the protection / assistance of angels due to our vocations, locations, and station in life. Like patron saints, these angels come into and out of our lives as the need changes, but the Guardian Angel stays with us. We do not need more than one guardian, no matter how rough it seems. Rember that angels are all thought and will and never lose sight of the Beatific Vision. They are more powerful than any obstical that we may face.

As far as naming them goes, they must tell us, we can not tell them. Like it was stated earlier, naming grants dominion over the thing.
I think I have something confused. I thought that our guardian angels, although on a vastly higher plane than us, are here to (in addition to guiding and protecting us) accede to our requests, provided of course that our requests are in line with God’s will.

I got this idea specifically from reading this:

See the one part where Padre Pio talks about “disobedience”…

Which is correct?

Btw, I’ve taken to calling my angel “Angel”. Thinking about it, how does naming something whose name you do not know by itself indicate dominion?
and even outside the idea of naming something as implying control, if our Holy Guardian hasn’t deigned to reveal its name to us directly, why presume the right to know?

I guess calling it “Angel” wouldn’t be inappropriate, since it’s exactly that… 👍
Thank you for your responses. this was a great help to me.

I think that it is important that we recognize God as our true “protector” and christ as our real savior.

Also from what I know of angels I’m not sure it’s fair to say that they are on a higher plan of existence. Just a different one. Where as God exists on all plans of existance all the way from Alpha through Omega.

I think God see’s Angels and Humans on the same “level” not that I think God see’s things in levels the way we do. I just think he loves us all. and see’s us haveing the same potential and free will.
I think people are worrying themselves unnecessarily about some of this. It’s a cute little pious devotion that some people like; it’s not rocket science or eternal salvation. I’m not really into this sort of thing; but here’s my thoughts:
  1. It’s perfectly acceptable to think up a name for your guardian angel. Humans name things, yes, but especially we name the people we love. If you give your angel a nickname, I’m sure he’s as glad of it as any of your friends would be. (Unless it’s something really lame, in which case your guardian angel will put up with it just like your friends do.) Just know that your angel’s real name was given by God, not you. (Unless your angel had inspired you to “think up” that real name, of course. But you wouldn’t find that out until after the Last Judgment, so I’m thinking it’s not worth worrying about.)
  2. If y’all want to pray to your guardian angels to tell you their names, there’s certainly nothing stopping you. If they don’t feel like telling you, they won’t. We don’t command them, after all; they work for God.
  3. Don’t stress about it too much either way. If the most incredible supernatural thing ever were to happen, it still wouldn’t be as important and worthy of attention as God Himself. These little things are nice but non-essential. Still, there’s nothing bad about some little nice thing – as long as you don’t attach unnatural importance to it.
If you are worried that some demonic influence might be involved, you can always say something like, “Well, thank you in the name of Jesus Christ, [name], for telling me that.” This sort of thing would please your guardian angel, and scare off a demon. But don’t obsess yourself worrying about such things, whatever you do. If you’re really worried, just put it all aside and forget about it. Your guardian angel would understand completely if you did so; no guardian angel would want you to fret.
  1. Don’t worry about names so much that you forget to say thank you whenever your guardian angel saves your butt. 🙂
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