Anglican rosaries

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It seems they exist. I have seen them sold in shops, but Protestants don’t pray to Mary. Does anyone know why they have rosaries?
Not only do some Anglicans use the “Anglican” rosaries, but some use the same one a RC would use. As at the regular ladies prayer night, in our parish.

Anglicans, like protestants, are quite motley, taken en masse. Some don’t consider themselves protestant in any sense, but Catholics, in the Anglican tradition. No one need agree with them, of course. Their behavior will differ somewhat from what a RC expects to find, under the “protestant” label a RC would use for any Anglican. Like the gentleman offering a prayer before the Mary Shrine at my parish, following the Requiem Mass for a deceased priest.
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The Anglican rosary, just like the Dominican rosary, can be used as one wishes. I have an Anglican rosary and sometimes use it as an addition to the regular rosary.
From what I’ve read, Anglicans usually say Jesus-oriented prayers on their “rosaries”, such as the Jesus Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer.

The standard “Anglican rosary” has 33 beads representing the years of Christ’s life. I reckon some of them use regular Latin rosaries as well.
And some say the rosary as you do.

Recite/sing the Angelus, too…
Yeah, I presume those are the “Anglo-Catholics” we’re always hearing about.
The ones whose church websites I have to read super-carefully to make sure I’m not inadvertently going to a Protestant church.
Always? I must be doing better than I thought.

Not exclusively AC, but that’s the way to bet.

And, sure. One can never be too careful.
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One of my favorite books on the Rosary was authored by a Methodist minister. “Protestantism” is not a big monolithic set of beliefs.
Some very conservative, traditionalist Anglicans regard themselves as Catholics. Therefore, it is not surprising that they would adopt traditional Catholic modes of piety, including the rosary. It would be more surprising if they did not.

If pressed, they will tell you that you do not have to be a Roman Catholic to be a Catholic.

I don’t argue with them. They’ve got their minds made up already, and from all outward appearances, they come across as being more “Catholic” than many of those who are in union with Rome. I feel entirely at home in a very Anglo-Catholic church such as those connected with the “Forward In Faith” movement. I had a friend who was an FIF priest (he has since passed away), I visited his parish occasionally, and would speak with him often — I explained to my family that FIF is basically “the Anglican equivalent of the SSPX”.
I don’t argue with them, but as Catholics, we are not permitted to receive sacraments in an Anglo-Catholic church, and we are also not allowed to fulfill our Sunday obligation by attending services there.

This has caused problems for actual Catholics traveling in UK who stumble upon one of these “Anglo-Catholic” churches and think they are attending a Catholic Mass, only to find out it was Anglican. Obviously if they weren’t aware, they didn’t sin, but I would find it extremely disconcerting myself to discover I had inadvertently been going to some Protestant church and receiving what was most likely a cracker rather than Jesus.

There was a case a few years ago of a whole bunch of Catholic exchange students staying in UK who attended such a church for a month or two with total unawareness that it was not a true Catholic church.
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I don’t argue with them, but as Catholics, we are not permitted to receive sacraments in an Anglo-Catholic church, and we are also not allowed to fulfill our Sunday obligation by attending services there.
I am well aware of that. I only went to the continuing Anglican church for the liturgy and for social reasons. I did not view it as a substitute for the Roman Catholic Mass.
Actually I think there was some discussion with the church in that case about how it was presenting itself. I don’t know if it changed anything as a result.

I realize the church probably doesn’t think it is doing anything wrong, but at the same time I would think that a church wants to attract people who genuinely want to be there, not people who think that they’re actually in some other type of church.
Well, when you’re not a native English speaker and are visiting as an exchange student from some country that doesn’t have a lot of Anglicans, it’s easy to get confused.
And I do think that such churches are guilty of misrepresentation in some cases, and I don’t like it, but I can’t do anything about it except pray that one day they will rejoin the proper fold that they never should have left in the first place.
If they knowingly mislead faithful Catholics, they’ll have to answer to God for that in the end, because it’s a sin to deceive in an important matter of faith.
My mind boggles at the concept of this discussion. I can imagine a suggestion that we obviously need to remove the holy water stoups and discard the statue of OL of Walsingham. Which we cleverly put in the sanctuary to lure unsuspecting victims inside.

I would expect the quality of the music in the service to have alerted the unwary. From all I’ve heard on that subject.

And what, pray shall we do with the vestments? The bishop’s crozier, pectoral cross and rosary? The prie-dieux?

And what, pray would be the purpose in attempting to mislead the unwary?

Now I’ll need a couple of hours to get my mind unboggled. Pfui.
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I’ll let you have the last word on this. My views do not change and I am not in favor of making excuses for the foibles of Anglo-Catholic churches, nor “blaming the victim” for confusion when the Church could very easily put a large Church of England label on their sign or website. One should not have to be playing Sherlock Holmes to figure out what kind of church they are in.

Muting now. Have a nice day.
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My mind is boggled by the fact that non-Catholics pray a rosary. Huh. Who knew?
The use of the word “cracker” does seem to have been indicative of the state of mind here.


Muting noted, with appreciation.
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