Anglican rosaries

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Seems like a good start. None genuine without the sign: accept no substitutes: Mind your step.

Or the opposite tactic, as used on the bulletin boards in my military career. Lists of places off limits and their locations.

If you see a problem, take steps to avert it.
Some maybe. Not those in my general vicinity, on the net or otherwise.
I have to agree with Tis. I’d hate to go to a “Catholic church” only to find out it was “Anglo-Catholic”. Yes, a person going to a church should do everything in their power to make sure they are going to the proper church, but as she said, you shouldn’t need to be Sir Arthur Conan Doyle or any of his characters to determine where you are, and sometimes you’re in a rush because something out of your control happens, and you can’t comb a website with a fine tooth brush.

A church shouldn’t claim to be something that it isn’t- and it should take care to prevent such accidents from happening. It’s not doing anyone any favors to have someone realize they’ve been duped.
I suspect I actually did this by mistake in London last year.

Being horribly jet lagged I wasn’t 100% attentive to the words of the prayers, and it was only after the service that I realised prayers had been offered.for the Queen but did not recall any mention of the Pope as is always done in churches that are in full communion with Rome.

Lesson learned, and I’m sure Her Majesty could well use.the prayers of all her subjects,.including this Catholic colonial 🙂
as is always done in churches that are in full communion with Rome.
And occasionally done in churches not. My late rector, gone these 10 years, remembered the current Pope and the current Ecumenical Patriarch, by name, at Mass, during the prayer for the whole state of the Church.
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