I was born and raised in a “Low Church” (Protestant/Evangelical) Parish. I don’t recall doing Eucharistic Adoration, Invocation of the Saints or Dovation to the BVM. We had Holy Communion (Low Mass with music and a Sermon) 2x/month. The standard service was Morning Prayer - Sung, of course.
WE didn’t have weekly Holy Communion until we got a new Rector, and even then, it was a Song Mass, not a High Mass.
Glad to answer.
- The Anglican bishops in Africa (especially eastern Africa) tend to be of the protestant/calvinist school, despite being “Biblically orthodox.” Thus, many of our beloved practices such as Eucharistic Adoration, the invocation of saints, etc. would be considered idolatrous.
The Church I attend now (after 20 years on the outside) is most definitely High Church. We do Solemn High Mass weekly, along with Adaration of the Blessed Sacrament (3rd Sunday of the Month), Devotions to the BVM and Invocations to the Saints.
It’s amazing what gratitude at finding a home and a place to know God after 20 years’ absence will do, and it’s amazing how we can learn to love those parts of our Tradition.
Anglicans (like the Orthodox) accept the first 7 Councils of the Church. At least one dealt with the some of the above subjects. In addition, Abp Hepworth has risked his life for one of his Bishops. I can’t give you any of the details, escept to tell you that it involved the TAC Bishop of Pakistan.
The Bishops in East Africa know the details and that he’ll do the same thing for them.
- As to the motivations of the various Clementines, there are several issues above the validity of the sacraments, and the breadth of* praxis* which we currently have available. The major problem is that Anglicanism has largely allied itself with the “spirit of the age,” to an extent which was previously unknown. In a few short years (absent some form of divine intervention) there will no longer be any traditional Anglo-Catholic clergy remaining in “official” Anglicanism. Faced with this, those of us who would like continue to practice the Catholic religion in its fullness are remaining in place until our destination becomes clearer. In the end that might be the local Indult parish, or the “Anglican Rite” uniate parish, if TAC is successful in their negotiations. Of course, there are also those who are just there for the pretty music and vestments (not a phenomenon peculiar to Anglo-Catholicism) who will stay even if heresy is taught from the pulpit by a woman “priest.”
Well,…I think the destination became a little clearer with the latest offer from the Pope. It seems that Abp Hepworth is telling Traditional Anglicans and our clergy to accept it.
I’m telling any Anglican who’ll listen to accept it.
If you’ll read my post on the “Working Theology” of ECUSA, you’ll see that the whole body is riddled with heresy. I can understand why people of faith are staying, but I can’t really condone it, because I believe they’re endangering their spiritual health.
There is a small TAC parish about 40 mins. away. To the best of my knowledge is fairly moderate, and not very Anglo-Catholic. Sadly, the makeup of TAC is not nearly as monochromatic as Abp Hepworth would have the Curia believe–this may cause real problems at some point.
Mine is 25 min. away. That’s not so bad, because I live in a city where an hour is a normal commute.
I believe that those who really don’t want to go on the “trans Tiberian Swim” will find some way to opt our and find homes elsewhere. Remember, there’s a varitable alphabet soup of Anglican jurisdictions that are more Protestant/Evangelical in Doctrine and Practice who use the BCP 1928 or some variant.
O also believe there are those who would join if they believed they could get a deal like the one I’ve posted today. Hopefully, there are far more of them than of those who just won’t do it.
I don’t believe that Abp Hepworth has present the TAC to the Curia in quite the way you’ve suggested. Anyway, from what I’ve heard, the Vatican contacted him in 1994.
Now, we know how long the secret was kept before It finally was allowed out here. I didn’t know about it until 11 months ago.
Please pray that St. Michael porotects the final workings from the enemy of all things good.
Blessings and peace.