Which brings me back to the point. With all due respect to the Traditional Anglican Church, many churches have ongoing discussions with Rome- even the Anglican Communion had some pretty interesting stuff going on (like the ARCIC)- albeit put on the backburner since the Robinson events. Yet, if a true “Anglican Rite” were to be created, wouldn’t that somehow need to involve the Anglicans (i.e. the Anglican Communion"), or at least a very sizable portion thereof? For example, say the schism of the Anglican Communion that some folks are talking about does occur, and a big piece of that pie wants to ally themselves with Rome?
The problems with creating an Anglican Rite which ivolved the Anglican Communion, and not the Traditional Anglican Communion, are as follows:
- The Anglican Communion has already ordained dozens of women “Priests” and several women “Bishops” in spite of clear Scriptural and Traditional directions not to do this.
- The Anglican Communion could not bring itself to discipline the people who consecrated a Gay man who left his wife and young children to shack up with his gay lover as Bishop or the body which approved that consecration.
- ECUSA is “Pro-Choice” including Late Term Abortions. The rest of the Anglican Communion can’t bring itself to condemn that position.
- ECUSA is for Embrionic Stem-cel Research. Same problem with the rest of the Communion as above.
- ECUSA is PRO-GAY Marraige, as is the rest of the Anglican Communion.
I understandstand these are NON-negotiable for the Holy Pontiff:
His Holiness will have NO such problems with the Traditional Anglican Communion or any other groups that may join them in the Pilgrimage to Rome. We agree with His Holiness, Pope John Paul II right down the line.
Most of the rest of your account sounded far more convoluted than the original report:
Regarding the problems with the Bishop you discussed:
** By David W. Virtue
Some Parishes in Benisson’s Diocese have been granted outside oversight by the Archbidhip of Canterbury. Here is an exchange between Bishop Bennison and one of the "Flying Bishops appointed by the Archbishop of Canterbury:
** By David W. Virtue
The Church of the Good Shepherd and Fr. David Moyer left ECUSA, and whatever Dicocese Bishop Bennison headed to join the TAC in 2002. From that time forward, their Episcopal oversight was through Archbishop Faulk and Right Reverend Louis Campese, Bishop Ordinary of the ACA/TAC Diocese of the Eastern United States. That’s that parish’s Episcopal oversight, not Bp. Bennison. So, Bishop Bennison had no more right ot go to that parish than you or I would, and only as you or I would, as a guest.
Apparently, Archbishop Faulk And Archbishop Hepworth have decided that diocese was just too large and were going to split it. That’s why we saw the bit about Fr. David Moyer, who seems to be Archbishop Faulk’s choice (and, NO, I haven’t met him).
Now, let me make this clear, The Church of the Good Shepherd and Fr. David Moyer left ECUSA in 2002, and have NO intent of ever returning. Bennison defrocked Fr. Moyer in the hopes that he could force the congregation to accept a “Loyal” priest who would keep the congregation and its income stream and property in ECUSA, while he plotted his LEGAL strategy. The parish rejected this.
Please don’t parse one article for the entire meaning of what’s happening. There are those that know more than I do, and they tell me the negotiations are proceding but require circumspection, patience and prayer.
As I said, I would very much like to see this work, so please keep it down, and don’t rock the boat too much. I believe the Devil would love nothing better than to see this one get dashed on some sort of personality conflict created because someone read something written by someone who read something…
In Him, Michael