Dear All,
What blessed news! I pray for successful union in terms of the desires and needs of the incoming Anglicans. HereÕs me two cents:
Thank you for you good wishes and your prayers. They are appreciated by all concerned, and by me.
Insistence on the Roman Rite by certain authorities in England may be due to a perception that the Anglicans are regarded as originally belonging to the Western Patriarchate (i.e., the Latin-Rite Church).
I don’t know why these authorities are so insistant, but I do understand that they are ignoring a direct request from the Pope himself. That seems to be one reason that His Holiness and those responsible for pushing these negotiations forward have moved them along as quickly as they have.
A married Anglican priesthood would be no problem since such provisions are already in place for individual Protestant ministers coming into Catholicism.
They are also a part of Eastern Orthodox Orders and of the Orders in at least some of the Uniate Churches in the Catholic Church rright now.
And, His Holiness and the people negotiating this have already indicated they don’t have a problem with the already married Priests and Bishops in the TAC.
In the past, many Anglicans have acquired validity for their orders through the Orthodox Churches. Though many of these were involved in schismatic and ÒindependentÓ movements, it would be fruitful to discover whether any of these orders have continued down through to the TAC.
Many have also obtained validity through Uniate or “National” Churches, such as the Polish National Catholic Church or the Phillippine Independent Catholic Church. As I said previously, Ratzinger and his Congregation have been very busy tracing these Orders and their validity/potential invalidity.
In this case, those labelled as “Schismatics” by the HERETICS in ECUSA and the C of E are the ones whose orders are turning ourt to be valid. And we’re the ones going for the REAL UNION with the CATHOLIC CHURCH!
When I lived in Berkeley (CA), I sometimes attended Mass at an Episcopal church where Franciscan priests from a local seminary would commune. I assume the Episcopal priests had obtained valid orders from another Church with a validly ordained hierarchy. I wouldnÕt doubt if this particular congregation is part of the TAC.
Sorry, I couldn’t find them in the Directory for the Diocese of the West for the TAC:
But I did find this Parish in the Anglican Province of Christ the King (“Orthodox” or Dissident Anglicans, but not TAC):
St. Joseph of Arimathea
The Most Rev. Robert S. Morse
2316 Bowditch Street
Berkeley, CA 94704
The Anglican Province of Christ the King is the largest of the NATIONAL churches with at least 50,000 parishioners in the US and Canada. I understand there have been some talks to join the TAC in the “Journey to the Tiber”, but they haven’t gone nearly as far as those between the Vatican and the the TAC.
I’m sorry, but they may be left behind of their own accord.
Dear Father Ambrose,
Are the talks between the Anglicans you mention and those particular Orthodox Churches regarding the possibility of intercommunion or requests for valid ordination?
God bless,
You’ll see I discussed that in my post and LINK regarding the Western Rite of the Antiochan Orthodox Church.
I hope that answers more questions than it raises.
Merry Christmas and Happy St. Stephan’s Day
In Him, Michael