TheGarg said:**Micheal, **
**Thanks for the info, I will read it carefully. I am glad to hear of these unions, for if you read my messages carefully, they are not attacking the angelican rite, and I volunteered that I was no authority on the subject. **
**I also professed eagerly that whatever the Holy Father says goes {or whoever makes those decisions in the See of Peter}. **
**My comments were more simplistic in the context of “Why the need for “different” “rites”?”. **
I meant not to be harsh and wholeheartedly apologize if I came off as such. I was simply questioning more the “need” to have different rites, why not just one? It would seem to be a matter of pride, which isn’t good is it? [There’s my ignorance showing again]
**Then again, when I read your links maybe I will have a better understanding of “rites” in general. **
**Once again I ask your forgiveness, and may the Peace of the Lord be with you. **
Christ’s Love
Apology Accepted.
I stumbled into a church some 15 months ago after an absence of over 20 years, and frankly, I’m just glad they took me in. Right now, it seems wisest for me to stay where I’m planted and pray that they successfully complete the “Trans-Triberian Swim”.
Regarding “Rites” - I’ve had occassion to visit a “Novus Ordo” Parish, and I’ve seen one parish make unauthorized changes to the liturgy: Drop the Psalm between OT & NT Lessons; Drop the Nicene Creed during the Sunday Mass (NO PROFESSION OF FAITH); Use the Prayers of the Faithful to advance a Political Agenda; Create their own Prayer of Consecration (It wasn’t in the Mass Booklet), etc. That was ONE Parish, and that was just what I caught.
I can guarantee you that we will show the Liturgy far more respect than described above. We will also show the Body and Blood of Our Lord the adoration and devotion you and I will agree He deserves.
I invite you to sample one of the services to see what I mean. I believe that you would be impressed.
Have you heard of the people who kept on writing their Bishops and the Pope until the Pope pretty much directed Archdiocesan Bishops to arrange for at least one Parish that would say the old Latin Rite in their Archdioceses?
They did all this writing so they could attend TRIDENTINE (“INDULT”) MASSES, while they kept attending Novus Ordo Masses in their Parishes. The program was so successful that one Archdiocese in Virginia has 2 Parishes that are Tridentine only Parishes (this in spite of the fact the Archbishop’s committed to the Novus Ordo).
And, then you have the VARIETY of Eastern Catholic Churches in Union with and Submitted to the See of Peter. Irish Melkite can give you more detail on how this works
(Post #26 RCC? Correct Term?) - Use this link: forums.catholic-questions.org/showpost.php?p=112135&postcount=26
His description is better than my links. Archbishop Hepworth is talking about a slightly closer union than what Irish Melkite seems to describe.
God willing, I will be a member of the Anglican Catholic Church in Union with and Submitted His Holiness, Pope John Paul II.
Please, keep us in your prayers.
In Him, Michael