All I am saying is that animals can categorize things therefore they understand universal. Their brains of course are not as complicated as ours. Needless to say that they understand beauty, love and good being. They are knowledgeable and can judge situation too. Perfection is one of those word which they probably don’t understand but for sure they understand the difference between better, good, bad and worst.The evangelical call to the world is founded on the expectation of conforming the will to the supreme good. Those categorizes which are earthly will pass with the earth. The universals will not pass but will be judged in the supreme good. Five universals mentioned in the writings attributed to Plato are useful in the prudence of the mind and the justice of the will: (1) perfect knowledge/truth, (2) perfect love, (3) perfect justice/goodness, (4) perfect beauty, and (5) perfect home/being
The natural world cannot obtain the sublimity of the universal. For the natural world, would cease to be natural if it could. And the first cause, out of nothing, provided the context of the universal betwixt the natural world. That is our Catholic faith. That God made the world and called it good. Good, that it may be sublime in universality, if only by obedience to the cause that made it.
After disobedience, minds of men were darkened, yet they reached for the universal by means of idols. They were dark as was their meaning with the idols. But God brought truth to their wills by the light of truth. Animals have no part in this confusion for it does not pertain to them. To say that a lion or a chimp desires perfect truth, perfect love, perfect justice etc. is an obvious falsehood and utterly ridiculous. Those who claim these things, and build their claim are those of dark minds of whom made the idols of the past, and still to this day.
The rest of your post about fall of man is off topic.