Annoying domestic habits of your spouse!

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Smoking for one, leaving the windows open in the house in the winter, and closing them in the summer, I think she is trying to suffocate me or something.:yup:

I’m sure I have annoying habits too.
I think we are saving a fortune on marriage counselling here, but look out, I think the husbands are starting their own thread.
My little woman started to drink a fifth a day and lost her way home at night, every night. I took it personal and was tempted to put her behind in a box. By the grace of God i did not.

I hope that puts drinking milk out the carton in perspective.
My husband doesn’t have too many bad habits. The ones that annoy me most:

-leaving his coffee mug/beer bottle/drinking glass wherever he was when he finished it off (I’ll find mugs with sticky coffee residue shoved behind piles of papers on his desk weeks later 😛 )

-taking off his dirty socks, dropping them on the floor, and leaving them (the most recent offense was last Thursday, I found the socks on the living room rug about 10 minutes before our dinner guests showed up)

This is not to say that I don’t have bad habits:
  • I leave the clean laundry in the dryer and take it out as needed
  • I read several books at a time and leave them all over the house
  • I’m “afraid” of the vacuum cleaner and never use it
  • it’s easier to just shove stuff under my car seats than it is to actually clean out the car
We love each other dearly, and this is why the habits have become running jokes in our home. Unfortunately that gives us less incentive to change them…
I am thankful for this thread because my husband is a saint (being married to me) and I can reveal and rant on this forum about his one habit that irritates me (but at the same time amuses me) but I haven’t complained about to him.

He flosses his teeth (not regularly but after certain meals) and leaves the dental floss on the vanity in the bathroom or on the living room end table just in case he needs it later because there are still unused portions. I just throw it away when I come across it. I don’t ask why - I just throw it away. Other than that he’s perfectly normal.
I think we are saving a fortune on marriage counselling here, but look out, I think the husbands are starting their own thread.
That’s a scary thought… He knows my user name too! Wouldn’t that be a scream if he were in fact on this forum and be someone that I find disagreeable?:bigyikes:

God Bless,
well, my spouse is perfect, and the fact that she has an ID and knows my ID has nothing to do with it… she’s just perfect… 🙂

…just saved my butt… nobody sucks up better than me… 👍 👍
My husband doesn’t have any annoying habits. I have enough for both of us.

Scout :tiphat:
One of my ex-husband’s annoying habits was putting ice trays back in the freezer empty. And I have realized that both of my son’s do the same thing ( although they put everything away empty - crackers, chips, cereal).

I wonder…can annoying habits be genetic?
I miss all my husbands annoying little habits daily. You see, he died 2 years ago. What I used to complain about, I would now give anything to see again.

No matter how annoying, at least THEY ARE THERE TO DO THEM.

Instead of being annnoyed and upset, thank God that they are still with you.
Amen! My DH has had cancer several times. I don’t sweat the small stuff. I am glad he is around to annoy me. 🙂
CLIPPING HIS TOE NAILS! while we’re sitting on the couch together watching tv. its not the fact that hes clipping his toenails its that click…click…click! and then i’ll find one in the carpet on the other side of the room! SOOOOOOO GROOOOSSSSSS! if any of you guys do this, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!
and he HAS to hold the remote control, even when we’re watching something i want to watch, and he clicks from channel to channel to channel during the commercial breaks! i HATE that!

now just to be fair my annoying habits.

hogging the tv
a neat FREAK!
constantly cleaning up after him
using six pots and pans to cook a can of soup
extremely self concious (i put myself down a lot)
i wont let him touch my neck
i brush my teeth in the shower
and im such a lousy cook that i could literally burn water!
this thread has given me quite the chuckle. and oh, how i can relate to alot of you! i love my husband dearly, but here’s his “list”:
  1. takes off his socks and lets them lay wherever they fall
  2. refuses to use twisty ties on the loaves of bread and “spins” each bag tight and folds the end under
  3. leaves wet towels at the foot of the bed where he dresses
  4. leaves his glasses of water, soda, coffee, etc. on the end tables
  5. puts empty bag of chips, etc. back into the cupboard
  6. leaves lights on everywhere
But here’s mine:
  1. leave the curling iron out on the vanity
  2. leave clothes in the laundry baskets cuz i’m too lazy to fold them
  3. drink out of the milk carton :o
  4. don’t like to cook cuz it makes too many dishes
i’m sure there are more things that i do that annoy him… i think i will ask him.

but all in all, he’s a great guy and i wouldn’t have him any other way! 🙂
Emily Watson:
I love having laundry to do. It is the most satisfying thing to be able to get it all done in one day. That means I have about a day and a half before there’s more to do. "
I personally have this fantasy of getting the entire family naked and all the laundry done and put away – so that it’s ALL DONE – for an hour or so, then we can start all over. . .
CLIPPING HIS TOE NAILS! while we’re sitting on the couch together watching tv. its not the fact that hes clipping his toenails its that click…click…click! and then i’ll find one in the carpet on the other side of the room! SOOOOOOO GROOOOSSSSSS! if any of you guys do this, STOP IT RIGHT NOW!
and he HAS to hold the remote control, even when we’re watching something i want to watch, and he clicks from channel to channel to channel during the commercial breaks! i HATE that!

now just to be fair my annoying habits.

hogging the tv
a neat FREAK!
constantly cleaning up after him
using six pots and pans to cook a can of soup
extremely self concious (i put myself down a lot)
i wont let him touch my neck
i brush my teeth in the shower
and im such a lousy cook that i could literally burn water!
TAR! You are cracking me up!!
One day my husband and I were watching TV and he was clipping his nails. He clipped, and the clipping SHOT across the room and hit me inthe EYE! 😉 Think he stopped this habit? NOOOOO.
I see that not many husbands are posting complaints. That’s funny, my wife’s anoying domestic habbit is nagging, imagine that.
I feel the same. I am purposefully neat 90% of the time. I can’t stand clutter!! I recently found in the basement 50 boxes of G.I. Joes that my husband has been purchasing/collecting off of Ebay. I kind of had a fit about it, and my husband is mad at me. He doesn’t seem to understand the purpose of having an organized and managable living space! I don’t know what to do. We have argued about clutter and messes more than once.
My husband is the nagger, and I am the messy one. I would love to have a messy husband. Mine doesn’t appreciate how hard it is for me to keep the house as tidy as it is since it doesn’t come naturally. He can’t stand any waste of food either and if he sees me throw away a piece of moldy cheese or a cucumber that went bad before I had a chance to use it, he has a fit. I have to clean the refrigerator out when he isn’t around.

He is a wonderful provider and great father, but I wish he could look on the positive side more and lighten up. I love him dearly, but those of you who nag your husbands should think twice and learn to praise the good things they do.
I thought I was the only one whose husband left toenail clippings all over the place but it sounds like I’m in good company here. The worst offense was when he was snacking in the living room late one night and the next morning I found his empty dinner plate on the coffee table with toenail clippings on the plate. I almost threw up. Needless to say, that plate went throught the dishwasher several times before it was put back in circulation.
That’s what I can write about my wife:
  1. She leaves dirty dishes in the sink. Sometimes overnight. I personally can stand it, but being a loving husband I wash them when I have a chance (sometimes)
  2. Passing gas, man, can she play a symphony or what???
  3. TV addict
TAR! You are cracking me up!!
One day my husband and I were watching TV and he was clipping his nails. He clipped, and the clipping SHOT across the room and hit me inthe EYE! 😉 Think he stopped this habit? NOOOOO.
I love this!! This is sooooooooooo funny!! LOL all of these posts I have really enjoyed!! This is probably the best thread since I have been a member of Catholic Forum since June 2004.
I am a single 34 year old guy who wants to find the right person to marry one day. BUT!!! After reading these?? Just kidding. I do however share the house with teo parents who have their own little habits. The socks is a common one for dad, as well as the toe nail clippings, LOL. I hate that CLICKING noise!! The remote control hogging is a big one wih him too. Mom is the nagger, she nags and nags and makes a case out of everything too. With regards to the passing of gas, well, lets just say it’s a family thing.:rotfl:
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