Annoying domestic habits of your spouse!

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  1. He only thinks he can get ready quietly.
  2. He puts the toilet paper roll on backwards.
  3. If I don’t throw away the ragged socks and undies, he will continue to wear them.
  4. He’s so much closer to perfect than I am that I reall can’t complain, and that’s really annoying!:love:
    After his parents have visited for a few days, he does all the annoying things his dad does for weeks unless I say something. The weird thing is that he didn’t do any of those things when we were first married.:confused:
My wife is full of quirks, but this one takes the cake. when she does laundry no matter whats being washed she religously uses cold water. if I do one of my rare washes and dont turn the washing machine back to cold, she has a CANIPTION FIT!
  1. Taking a piece of bread out of the bag and leaving it wide open overnight on the counter (or if he is trying to be good, he doesnt close up the bag, just tucks the end under the loaf).
  2. Farts in bed.
  3. Puts his dirty clothes NEXT to the hamper.
  4. Chews with his mouth open. I think he does this more to annoy me than to be a “bad habit”. I can’t stand it!
  5. Spits his toothpaste on the faucet.
  6. Leaves everything little thing he uses in the morning to get ready on the counter - his toothbrush, toothpaste, deoderant, etc instead of putting it back in the drawer.
  7. When he uses his clippers to cut his hair, he leaves the hair on the counter. OR he has it in a towel and HANGS IT BACK UP. You can guess how happy I am when I use that towel to dry off.
  8. When we lived out in the country he would always pee in the driveway before we left the house.
  9. Will walk outside and then trample dirt and sand all through the house about 10 minutes after I just mopped. Never fails.
  10. Stinking up the bathroom and then leaving the door wide open so the smell drifts to every inch of the house.
Yes, my husband gets on the forums, but luckily he’s pretty busy with his pilot training right now to spend a lot of time here 🙂
I thought I had already when posted when I read AirForceMama’s post. Except for the pilot training, he could be mine!

But here is my list:
  1. He will blow his nose in his shirt if Kleenex is not available.
  2. He always asks if I am sure I know what I am doing when I’m cooking.
  3. Way too many noises comes out of all orfices in his body.
  4. Clipping toe nails on the edge of the bed.
  5. Lights on in every room!
    6.He leaves shoes, clothes etc., wherever he takes them off.
  6. Smokes in the house when I go upstairs to bed before him, he doesn’t think I can smell it. Gross!
  7. Never rinses his cups or plates and he won’t wipe off the counter after making a snack.
  8. Won’t replace toilet paper, he just sits the new roll on top of the empty one.
But for all that, I would not trade him for the world!!!:love:
St. Augustine wrote of a man with a gas problem here on earth, but in heaven his flatulence became perfect music.

I remind my wife of this when she complains of my annoying habits. 🙂
I cannot wait to remind my wife of this!!! 😃
I know this thread is really, really old but I wasn’t around at that time so I’ve just now read it. Actually, this was first posted just before our wedding. Six months later, I’m really getting a kick out of this!

My husband’s annoying habits:
  1. He likes to strip down to his underwear when he gets home from work. Then, when I ask if he could take out the trash, he says he can’t because he’s not dressed.
  2. He falls asleep on the sofa (all sprawled out in his Underroo glory) after supper every night - yet he tends to have an opinion on what “we” should watch on TV in the evenings.
  3. He likes to lip synch/sing along with/air guitar to every stupid song he hears. Even our two-year-old begs him to please stop.
  4. He can fit an entire baked potato in his mouth, and most of his forkfuls are about that big. This means that he’s usually finished his dinner while I’m still unfolding my napkin and picking up my fork.
  5. He mashes all of his food together when he eats. It doesn’t matter what I’ve prepared or how carefully, it all gets mushed into a pile and shoveled up together.
MY annoying habits (that he’s told me about):
  1. Years of living in California have conditioned me to let Yellow Mellow, so I rarely flush the toilet.
  2. I rub my hands together compulsively. Like a fiendish squirrel plotting world domination or something. I have been told that I look really demented when I do this.
  3. I pick my nose (not that he’s ever complained about it. But, still…)
  4. I yell and talk in my sleep.
  5. I spend too much time on the Internet.
Leaving all cabinets and drawers open. I am constantly amazed that he has the strength to open doors but not close them.

“Helping” me with the laundry by removing clean clothes from the dryer and wadding them up in the laundry basket to be carried upstairs to our bedroom.

Seeking praise when he does the dishes as in “Honey, did you notice I did the dishes for you?” Maybe I should do the same thing. “Honey, did you notice I cooked dinner, emptied the trash, paid the bills, took your laundry to the dry cleaners for you?” Somehow it sounds different when I say it.

Of course we love each other very much and are quite happy with one another. I will let my annoying habits remain a mystery.
I am just dying of laughter reading this thread!

Thank God my hubby doesn’t “do” Internet, or you might have to start a whole new thread just for MY annoying habits.

But since I’M here… well, let’s see…

First off, my husband is just so “Mary Poppins”… practically perfect in every way. He does dishes, laundry and cleans bathrooms. And though he hates cats (or used to), he cleans the litter pan. But what drives me crazy is this:

If I pull a garment off a hanger (sigh NO, I don’t remove the hanger from the rod, take the item off the hanger, hang the hanger back up, I just pull the thing off the hanger, while the hanger is still on the rod, okay?) Where was I? Oh, yes. If I pull a garment off the hanger and the hanger does not swing back neatly into its slot, but remains protruding above the “hanger line”, he goes nuts. This has actually kept him awake at nights! I told him if it bothers him so much, maybe he should get around to installing the closet doors… never mind.

Actually he used to be much worse. One night shortly after we were married, he went to bed early. I stayed up and finished folding a basket of “whites”. I tiptoed into the bedroom and quietly opened his “whites” drawer, placed his fine washables in there and, in order not to wake my exhausted hubby, I slid the drawer almost, but not quite, all the way shut. Then I tried to slip quietly into bed.

He woke up as if a bomb had gone off under his pillow.


How, in a darkened room, he could tell his underwear drawer was open an eighth of an inch, I could not say. He used to be like this about mini-blinds. One time he actually was distracted from a Cowboys game because when I shut the blinds, one tipped the wrong way and I didn’t bother to fix it. He practically flew out of his chair, almost knocked the TV over and stepped on the dog to fix the tipped blind. I said to him, “You have a problem!”

He said, “Yes, I do, and I love her dearly even though she drives me crazy sometimes!” Then with a kiss, it was back to Troy Aikman’s amazing exploits.

But he says it would be so boring without me around, so… it must be love!

oh man! I am cracking up here! I missed this thread the first time around.

hmm, let’s see…

I HATE when I ask him to do something and he says, “yeah, I’ll get it” and doesn’t budge. ARG! that drives me CRAZY!

sometimes, I make him a nice big lunch in the afternoon because we work oppisate shifts. so he comes home and eats with me. I usually have to get ready for work after that, so I don’t have time to do the lunch dishes. I ask him to do it. I get home and he says, “I did most of them.” meaning plates, cups and forks. all pots and pans are still dirty and counters and table are not wiped off. ARG!

oh and he is a to nail PICKER. he does not clip, he picks at them! and ACK. it’s youckey. and he bites his finger nails. I have to say, “Honey, no picking” or “honey, no muching”. to get him to stop.

he’s a tapper. he always has to be moving and when were at my mom’s (hard wood flores there) he taps his foot COSTENTLY. and in bed, he rubbs his feet against the sheets and it makes this sshhhhffftt sshhhhffftt noise. UG!

he smokes in the house when I’m not home and than sprays air freshoner all around right before I get back. nothing like the smell of lilaques and smoke. yumm.

oh and he does this other realy icky thing. I don’t know if I should say it. but in bed. he likes to lift his legs up in the air when he uhhhh you know…breaks wind. it’s so nasty. and he likes to fart in the dogs face too. eeewwww. it’s nasty and very oger like.

let’s see, what do I do that annoys him? I talk on the phone ALL the time to my family. when ever I’m doing chores, I am on the phone. it bugs him. I have always been a big phone talker.

I aks him six thousand times to do stuff. but that’s because he doesn’t do it the first 5,999 times I ask.

I listen to loud country music when I can’t talk on the phone.

he really doesn’t get as frustrated with me as I do with him. I’m not the best house keeper in the world and I’m lucky that it doesn’t bother him 🙂 He’s very layed back.
One time he actually was distracted from a Cowboys game because when I shut the blinds, one tipped the wrong way and I didn’t bother to fix it. He practically flew out of his chair, almost knocked the TV over and stepped on the dog to fix the tipped blind. I said to him, “You have a problem!”

Your DH cracks me UP!!!:rotfl:
He cracks me up, too!👍

I told him about this thread and before I could give any details, he said, “You didn’t tell everyone about the mini-blinds, did you? And the dresser drawer?”

“And the hangers,” I said as I edged out the door.

He nearly spewed beer all over the kitchen and laughed like crazy. “They must think you married a maniac!” he said.

For the record, we’ve been married 18 years and it’s been a joy all the way!

I’ve been married for 10 days now, but I dated my future wife for almost two years. I don’t know how I missed this, but she can “organize” things in under twenty seconds. For example: the other day I put my hat on the corner of the couch. I was going to put it back on in just a few minutes. I turned around, and it was gone. I searched the whole house thinking I was losing my mind before I finally asked her if she’d seen it. “It’s on the shelf in the closet.”


That’s just the tip of the iceburg, too, and I’m the kind of guy who doesn’t notice there’s a sock hanging IN FRONT OF the t.v. until halfway through the show. Oh yeah, this is going to be fun…:bigyikes:

oh and he does this other realy icky thing. I don’t know if I should say it. but in bed. he likes to lift his legs up in the air when he uhhhh you know…breaks wind. it’s so nasty. and he likes to fart in the dogs face too. eeewwww. it’s nasty and very oger like.

OK, I have to admit…I’ve done that to the dog a few times…:o
Regarding all these toe nails flying around…

I’m convinced that men must have thicker toe nails. They just happen to fly. Even if my foot is over the garbage can. I assume it must be due to the pressure needed to exert on the nail cutter to cut the toe nail, but I haven’t tested the theory. 🙂
For everybody here - my husband is perfect, and the rest nobody needs to know.😃
I wonder why nearly all the complaints are from wives. Is it because men do not worry so much about such things? Or what? Obviously, I am a man.
By the way, I find this thread very amusing, and I am printing it off to show to my wife.
I wonder why nearly all the complaints are from wives. Is it because men do not worry so much about such things? Or what? Obviously, I am a man.
By the way, I find this thread very amusing, and I am printing it off to show to my wife.
I didnt realize theres so many perfect women in the world who do nothing annoying. 😉
Well…I thought i might chime in here…just for the vent…because I am not a nagger, really I am not! I am entirely too laid back, and whatever is my motto.

You can trail my husband through the house…shoes at the door, shirt on the chair, pants and socks at the foot of the couch…Whoops…there he is!

There is supposed to be a new bathroom in my unfinished basement. He cleaned out the room, put a huge X on a wall that’s “outta here”. I was so excitied, we even picked out a tub…four years ago…oh, and the garage is going to be a bar, and there is going to be a sunroom that is on the front of the house…it took quite a period of marriage before I realized that my husband is a planner. I don’t get excited about that stuff anymore. This summer while it was steamy hot we planned a pool:D

But…he is really great about cooking for the family, and giving me breaks, and he is wonderful with the children…overall…he’s a keeper.
But yet you still nagged before offering up the compliment. I feel if men were to start complaining like the women do, they just wouldnt be able to keep as silent and find reason to retort moreso than men do. 😉
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