Being an Alcoholic is not simply being addicted to alcohol. This is a common misconception. If this was true then detox centers would spit out cured alcoholics all the time. They don’t…because alcoholics are treating their disease by drinking alcohol, they are not simply addicted to alcohol as a substance.
It is a difficult distinction to understand, I know, but you cannot compare it with being addicted to nicotine.
I am a recovering alcoholic and have been sober since May 4, 1992. I quit smoking at 2 years sober and picked up a cigaret 2 months ago during Roddy’s illness…and just put them down again a week ago. I did not reset my sobriety date for alcohol…that would be stupid. However, I would be equally dishonest if I didn’t say to people that I became addicted once again to nicotine and had to break the habit again.
It is not the same thing…