Another oldie...Which do you prefer?

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Diet when I rarely drink a soda.

Preferred clothing shopping experience: online or in a brick and mortar store?
In store ( although I have bought some nice stuff online too)

Snack/meal: hot dog 🌭 or hamburger 🍔?
🤔 - love both … but wedges with tartare sauce 😋

Pet cat - indoor only or an outdoor only cat?
Indoor only, it’s probably safer for the cat.

Tom Hanks movies: Cast Away or You’ve Got Mail?
I can’t be sure I’ve seen either - but with that said I do like Tom Hanks.

See a movie when it’s first released at a theater or wait until it is streamed e.g. Netflix?
In the theater. We like the theater experience even if it’s a rip-off. 💸

Combination refrigerator-freezer: freezer on top or on the bottom?
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If costs were equal, then I prefer freezer on the bottom - though have never owned one.

Which do you prefer - Playing or watching a sport (any sport)?
Playing. That said, I watch many sports that I will never participate in firsthand (such as sumo 😀).

Tie: four-in-hand (“regular”) or bow?
Tie: four-in-hand (“regular”) or bow?
The first one - didn’t know it had a name LOL!
Movies: comedy or suspense?

ear phones - over the head or wireless in the ear?
in the ear

getting your news

read it or watch it
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