Another oldie...Which do you prefer?

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Caramel Macchiato

Pavlova with kiwi fruit, strawberries, cream, & passionfruit?
Or…? 😉

Point-and-click (computer & mouse) or just point (finger & touchscreen)? :computer_mouse: + 🖥️ vs. ☝️ + :iphone:
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sorry … brain fog … 🧠 🌫️ - todays not a good day cognitively…

or mini meringues with cream & canned blueberries?
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Shower. I’m not crazy about being immersed.

Snow skiing or water skiing?
Snow - cross-country, but it’s been a while…

Apples: tart or sweet?
No milk except for the occasional pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks.

Chocolate Chip Cookie or Peanut Butter Cookie?
I’d eat any really … otherwise organic is usually healthier.

fresh milk or long life milk?
Fresh. Long-life milk is a crime against food.

Hours of slow, steady rain or a deluge that lasts a half hour?
Slow steady rain that sinks into the ground and replenishes the ground water too, is far better than a downpour that causes floods and takes the topsoil with it.

Soft cheese or hard cheese?
Oh please don’t make me choose 😇

Exterior window cleaning: do it yourself or hire a professional?
I believe in helping the local economy and hire local when I can. Plus I just don’t like doing windows.

Corn on the cob or out of a can or bag?
Any way! Though it’s been years since I’ve had corn on the cob - really don’t like how it tends to get caught between my teeth. 🌽

Coca‑Cola or Diet Coke?

Strawberries: with whipped cream or sugar?

I win!!! 1,000 :clinking_glasses:🤩
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