Another oldie...Which do you prefer?

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White. In my world, it’s not a dress shirt if it isn’t white.

Broccoli: raw or cooked? 🥦
Savory, more often than not.

Home aquarium: freshwater or marine (saltwater)?
Marine for the appearance. Though have kept goldfish to cichlids to tropicals in the past.

Going for a run/jog or using a treadmill?
chopsticks are for starting campfires
$ushi or $ashimi
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Print at home. I’ve seen no difference in quality between that and store-printed photos. :framed_picture:

Christmas greetings: electronic messages (text, email, etc.) or paper cards/letters?
Electronic messages for overseas penpal, for family I don’t see. For my own children/grandchildren a card with the gifts &/or a phone call if I’m not seeing them.

Watching DVDs or streaming movies e.g Netflix?
I don’t understand…what is hand-wash?

Kitchen counter: laminate or granite?
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