Another oldie...Which do you prefer?

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I’ve never been to the Pacific. So I guess Atlantic.

Tuna packed in water or oil?
Packed in water…it’s the only kind we’ve used in 40 years…

Bargain groceries: Aldi or Walmart?
Aldi. Walmart is too far.

Cereal: Cheerios or Raisin Bran?
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Apparently, nobody has a preference…

Homemade cookies: snickerdoodles or tollhouse?
Snickerdoodles. (I have never had homemade chocolate chip cookies that I liked more than Chips Ahoy 😊)

Non-fresh vegetables: canned or frozen?
I’ve never played conventional golf so I will pick mini golf.

Coke or Pepsi
I don’t drink either, but if I had to choose, it’d be Pepsi…my father-in-law worked for them for 30+ years…

Burritos or enchiladas?
I strongly prefer corn tortillas to the wheat version, so I tend to choose enchiladas over burritos for that reason alone. I don’t dislike burritos, however 🌯 :+1:t3:

Auto body paint: metallic or standard (glossy non-metallic)?
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Standard–cheaper when buying cars and easier to repair when storms with baseball-sized hail come

Marian pilgrimage site: Lourdes or Fatima?
No objective preference, but I’ve been to one so I’ll say I prefer that one. Lourdes. 🙏 📿

Email 💻 or snail mail? 📧
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