I was married nearly twenty years and was most of that time I was Evangelical. We were taught constantly that God wanted wives to be submissive. I wanted to please God, so I being submissive to a controlling husband was my constant aim.
Therefore, like you, I submitted in many small ways - letting him decide matters in his own favor when we didn’t agree. (And, as a general rule, he did not agree with me).
I submitted in ways that caused me much emotional pain and loss, primarily: not having a baby until he “felt ready” because we “couldn’t afford it” (although we mae more money than most of our freinds, but arguing this point brough on his rage). And I submitted to him in that I worked as a professional for years and he managed all of that money, as well as what he made, and I had to appeal to him for anything I wanted or needed, and usually my asking caused strife.
Many people would hear this and say they would never do what I did. But any effort to be heard or understood, no matter how put, was ignored, and pressing the matter caused great strife. And I, like you, Malia, and other wives who have written here, wanted to keep peace. And please God.
Not having a baby for so long was the hardest thing of all for me, and regularly I would feel this was too much that “God” was asking me. So, when it seemed more than I could bear, I would check with a pastor, or pastor’s wife, or other Godly women. Always, they would assure me that obeying my husband meant obeying God, and that was a most sacred responsibility. Above all others, it always seemed. So, encouraged with scripture and prayer that I would not complain so much about God’s will for me, I would return my usual rule of life.
Often, these Christian exhorters would tell me that I only had to do God"s will in submitting to my husband, and that would, in time, “melt my husband’s heart” - and then he would finaly desire to do Gods will in our marriage! The formula was, I focus on God’s will for me, and my doing that perfectly would make my husband want to do God’s will for him.
Only, i could see what was happening all along - and it was only common sense: The more I sumitted to his sinful desire to have his own way, to exert power and control (not loving leadership) over me, the more he lusted after power and control - of which he never had enough.
The fact is, the more I submitted to him being selfish, the more selfish he became. Iron sharpens iron. In a marriage, you should help refine each other. But in ours, I really only helped to make a monster out of him. He had that lustful desire to to dominate, have power over, control and subdue. And, although I thought I was doing God’s will, I “allowed” him to do that to me. Basically, I cooperated with sin. And the the more power he had, the more he wanted. Because his desire to control me was not of God. It was a lust, like lust of alcohol, and there is not satisfaction for such lusts. The lusts get bigger and bigger.
Desire for power and control and to subdue. Its a male trait. God made men that way, and surely, He desires that it be used for the good. But surely, He does not desire it be used to dominate, have power over, and subdue his wife. Was Joseph like that with Mary? No, he served her good constantly.
Living that way seemed so wrong, and had such bad fruit, but my spiritual counselors blindly and insistedly showed me the same scripture passages that were sure “proof” that Gods plan for me was to keep submitting to my husband’s “leadership”.
God saved me by encouraging me to listen to His voice - in my conscience. Through it, I was able to learn, as a Protestant, that what I had been taught about wifely sumisssion was NOT what God intended the scripture to mean. And most wonderful, through my conscience, God led me to the greatest gift of all: to Mother, and to His truth. To the Holy Catholic Church, where He has entrusted the whole deposit of Truth.
So those were hard years, living in error, but God gave me back, in heaping abundance, when he brought me to His Church!
[Continued on next post]
Therefore, like you, I submitted in many small ways - letting him decide matters in his own favor when we didn’t agree. (And, as a general rule, he did not agree with me).
I submitted in ways that caused me much emotional pain and loss, primarily: not having a baby until he “felt ready” because we “couldn’t afford it” (although we mae more money than most of our freinds, but arguing this point brough on his rage). And I submitted to him in that I worked as a professional for years and he managed all of that money, as well as what he made, and I had to appeal to him for anything I wanted or needed, and usually my asking caused strife.
Many people would hear this and say they would never do what I did. But any effort to be heard or understood, no matter how put, was ignored, and pressing the matter caused great strife. And I, like you, Malia, and other wives who have written here, wanted to keep peace. And please God.
Not having a baby for so long was the hardest thing of all for me, and regularly I would feel this was too much that “God” was asking me. So, when it seemed more than I could bear, I would check with a pastor, or pastor’s wife, or other Godly women. Always, they would assure me that obeying my husband meant obeying God, and that was a most sacred responsibility. Above all others, it always seemed. So, encouraged with scripture and prayer that I would not complain so much about God’s will for me, I would return my usual rule of life.
Often, these Christian exhorters would tell me that I only had to do God"s will in submitting to my husband, and that would, in time, “melt my husband’s heart” - and then he would finaly desire to do Gods will in our marriage! The formula was, I focus on God’s will for me, and my doing that perfectly would make my husband want to do God’s will for him.
Only, i could see what was happening all along - and it was only common sense: The more I sumitted to his sinful desire to have his own way, to exert power and control (not loving leadership) over me, the more he lusted after power and control - of which he never had enough.
The fact is, the more I submitted to him being selfish, the more selfish he became. Iron sharpens iron. In a marriage, you should help refine each other. But in ours, I really only helped to make a monster out of him. He had that lustful desire to to dominate, have power over, control and subdue. And, although I thought I was doing God’s will, I “allowed” him to do that to me. Basically, I cooperated with sin. And the the more power he had, the more he wanted. Because his desire to control me was not of God. It was a lust, like lust of alcohol, and there is not satisfaction for such lusts. The lusts get bigger and bigger.
Desire for power and control and to subdue. Its a male trait. God made men that way, and surely, He desires that it be used for the good. But surely, He does not desire it be used to dominate, have power over, and subdue his wife. Was Joseph like that with Mary? No, he served her good constantly.
Living that way seemed so wrong, and had such bad fruit, but my spiritual counselors blindly and insistedly showed me the same scripture passages that were sure “proof” that Gods plan for me was to keep submitting to my husband’s “leadership”.
God saved me by encouraging me to listen to His voice - in my conscience. Through it, I was able to learn, as a Protestant, that what I had been taught about wifely sumisssion was NOT what God intended the scripture to mean. And most wonderful, through my conscience, God led me to the greatest gift of all: to Mother, and to His truth. To the Holy Catholic Church, where He has entrusted the whole deposit of Truth.
So those were hard years, living in error, but God gave me back, in heaping abundance, when he brought me to His Church!
[Continued on next post]