There are faithful traditionalists(FSSP,ICKSP,IBP…), those who are irregular(SSPX) and those who are out of communion(sedevacantists, conclavists).
When we’re talking about faithful traditionalists, there are those who are a bit more “serious”, and those who aren’t. There are many problems in the Church, from pedophilia, secret homosexuals, theft, liturgical abuses, false ecumenism etc…
Criticism is not forbidden. You are not obliged to support and like EVERYTHING a pope says or does. Criticism is not forbidden. Sometimes, correcting our superiors with love and humility is necessary, whether that be because of a liturgical abuse or an error preached in a homily, things like that.
But, when correcting/criticising, we need to have love and humility. Because, when we correct, we show care for sound doctrine, and when we do it with humility and love, we show our love and respect for those we are correcting, in this case, our superiors.
Let’s imagine a situation
If a priest says something outright wrong in a homily, do you think God would be angry when, after the Mass, you approach the priest and talk to him about it with humility and love, and he acknowledges his mistake and says he will apologize for saying that in the homily and repent, do you think God would punish you because you corrected your superior regarding some teaching? No, he would not.
I am not what is understood as a traditional Catholic(I attend Novus Ordo and so), but I think we can all admit that problems are present in the Church(liturgical abuses, pedophilia, theft, false ecumenism, and so on and so on…)