Anti-LGBTQ+ Politician Caught in All-Male Orgy Resigns Post

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An anti-LGBTQ+ Hungarian politician has resigned from the European Parliament after being caught in what’s being described as an orgy involving 25 men.

József Szájer, who has spoken proudly of writing a ban on same-sex marriage into Hungary’s constitution, acknowledged Tuesday that he had been at what he called a “house party” last Friday in Brussels, Belgium, The Guardian reports. Police had raided the event for violation of Belgium’s COVID-19 restrictions, banning gatherings of more than four people.

Szájer was caught “shimmying down a dra(name removed by moderator)ipe” in an attempt to escape police, the publication notes. He had no identifying documents with him and had drugs in his backpack, according to a police report. He said the drugs were planted on him and that he had not taken any, and he was released with a warning after officers escorted him home and he produced his diplomatic passport. Police, however, “have opened a case against those present for violating lockdown rules, as well as against Szájer for possession of drugs,” The Guardian reports.
A thread on gay marriage or relations. What a great way to end the forums. We have not seen many of these threads in years since gay marriage became legal prior to that we saw hundred on this site, day after day with hundreds of posts on each thread, on just about everything to do with gay relations from bakers to gay partners, to a civil union to gay marriage.

This politician from “Hungary” got caught in an inappropriate relationship and he resigned his post, unlike our American politicians who got caught and keep their jobs until retirement. Since I am from New England I think of Congressman Gerry Studds who got a 16-year-old page who was working for him drunk and molested him…

Congressman Barney Frank’s boyfriend operated a male prostitute ring out of his Congressional office on Capitol hill.

Neither stepped down.

Here is where America is today.

Real Housewife Star, mother of seven children who gives" threesomes as birthday gifts "to her husband has identified as Lesbian.

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There’s an old saying about those who are vocally anti-gay…
. . . and there seems to be some truth to it.

Years ago there was an article in the newspaper quoting a gay man saying that he was harassed in high school for being gay and one guy in particular was the most vocally anti-gay.

So one day, after graduation from high school, he went to a gay nightclub and guess who was in there . . .
Exactly. And then many people thought that a new president would be so much better, until he had a sexual abuse allegation against him…but nobody who had an issue with the old president wants to know about the details of the new president…not even his vice-president who said she believed the accusations (until she became a part of the ticket).

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Wasn’t there a president once who was married three times and cheated on all his wives, wanted 1 wife to pose nude in playboy (she refused) and had another wife pose nude on his private plane?
The only error is the use of PAST TENSE… otherwise it is spot on! But fortunately the past tense will be accurate, too.
Reported.This post is beyond the pale!
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It’s against forum rules to be uncharitable.I’ve been flagged for basically saying whoop dee do.What you posted was unnecessary and only served as a means to get your digs in re Trump.
(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)
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lmao. Thats one messed up dude
Yes, but that is a minor point. Hungary is the “Country of Mary” a bastion of Catholicism. It is the hypocrisy that is appalling.

By the way, there was a high ranking member of the JOBBIK party (even more far-right than the FIDESZ), who was rabidly anti-Semitic (very prevalent attitude there) and when he had his genes examined for his ancestry, it turned out that he had Jewish ancestors. He very quickly resigned.
Look, I read a book on Presidents’ personal lives once and let’s just say a great many of them, I would say the majority, conducted their private affairs in an ungodly manner to some extent. The big exceptions in our modern era were Carter and Truman who were one-woman men except for Jimmy’s famous “lust in his heart”.

The point of this thread is that a politician in another country was the classic example of the guy who’s vocally anti-gay because he’s in the closet trying to deny it. The point is not to gossip about what Presidents of the USA historically have done because you could fill a book, which someone already did and I read it.
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The point of this thread is that a politician in another country was the classic example of the guy who’s vocally anti-gay because he’s in the closet trying to deny it.
Thank you for your correct perception.
Freud’s ego defense mechanism of reaction formation in full effect here. Or what the non-Freudian might call hypocrisy.
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