Anti-LGBTQ+ Politician Caught in All-Male Orgy Resigns Post

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agreed the hypocrisy is real. the things people will do for power…
There have been quite a few of these anti-gay crusaders who end up getting caught in compromising situations.
I think politicians when caught in hypocrisy should be made an example of.
Of course the person involved (József Szájer) was not just a garden variety bigot, he wrote part of the Hungarian constitution dealing with homosexual behavior, and his wife is part of the Hungarian Supreme Court. The irony is delicious.
Except these are not allegations, these are facts! Of course, in the alternate Universe there are NO facts.
I agree. Allegations are only allegations…unless of course you are a pro-life Supreme Court candidate, then they’re real. Spot on!
I still haven’t seen proof that he’s gay though.
What kind of proof would you like to see? How graphic it needs to be? There is a great Chinese proverb: “Do not bend over to tie your shoelaces on your neighbor’s melon field.” Even the appearance of impropriety must be avoided. It is not an excuse to point out hypocrisy.
John Major comes to mind. Cecil Parkinson too. In Major’s case, he was merely a hypocrite and an adulterer (and an unexpected one at that). On the other hand, if one believes in the idea of individual human beings being evil, I would suggest that Parkinson was probably evil. Politically, Norman Tebbit is probably about as far as it is possible to get from my views short of Nick Griffin or John Tyndall. However, I have always thought that he seems to be a pretty decent bloke. To quote a friend of mine who is very right-wing, but possibly not quite as right-wing as Tebbit, he has certainly walked the walk.
Why have you have put Hungary in quote marks? It is after all an actual country, the point of this is that a bigot got shown up for a fool and will now spend the rest of his life regretting it I would think. The man is finished politically and I for one wouldn’t shed any tears over that.

I put “Hungary” in quotes to emphasize the country it was from.

I am glad that Hungary has taken this step as it shows it still has some morals. It actually cares about what message it sends to it citizens and hopefully it won’t end up like America.

Thousands of threads and posts on CAF ten years ago but not many today.
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I put “Hungary” in quotes to emphasize the country it was from.
Bolding typically communicates emphasis better. Quotes are used to communicate other things that are not emphasis.
The original article makes that plain.
I am glad that Hungary has taken this step as it shows it still has some morals. It actually cares about what message it sends to it citizens and hopefully it won’t end up like America.
Well, I’m not sure what message one of your leading politicians being caught in an orgy whilst shimmying down a dra(name removed by moderator)ipe with drugs on his person. Showing its moral character is not likely to be the message received I’d say.

Losing his position(resigning under pressure) shows that,

There is disagreement and I think we have discussed this about a thousand time plus on this posts by many posters.
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except for Jimmy’s famous “lust in his heart”.
I didn’t understand why this played so badly with conservative evangelicals, as it reportedly did. I don’t think that Carter was saying that he has looked on women lustfully or committed adultery in his heart more than the average person, just that he is more aware of his shortcomings than the average person. He does seem to be a genuinely good man who probably holds himself to the “almost impossible standards” that he mentions in the interview.
Jimmy was running for office at the time, and in those days any kind of sexual overtones surrounding a candidate could harm his chances of being elected.

Plus, the interview was with Playboy Magazine, which was on the one hand known for having good quality journalism, but on the other hand, nobody bought Playboy for the articles, rather it was a leading soft core porn magazine known for its centerfolds.

Plus we had just gotten rid of a President (Nixon) considered to have done many immoral things, though they weren’t sexual things. People wanted to have a very moral President.

Although in the end it didn’t matter because virtually anybody running against the Republicans at that point would probably have won due to the magnitude of the Watergate scandal and the public being mad at President Ford for having pardoned Nixon, under whom Ford had been Vice President.
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