Anti-masking pastor in ICU with Covid-19

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The question is:

Is he still skeptical?​

He is still is belligerent.
He also said he wouldn’t comply if the city ordered him to halt in-person services, though the church also livestreams its services. Nationwide, church leaders have been fined – and even arrested – for holding services during the pandemic.
And does not believe in obeying the government according to the Biblical standard.
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People like this don’t even deserve to receive life saving medical treatment. If they want to gamble, they should suffer the consequences. Enough of the moral hazard bailing them out.
Pretty cold.

In this society, one is “free” to have unprotected homosexual sex. One is free to take drugs. One is free to destroy one’s liver with alcohol. One is free to destroy one’s fertility with abortions. One is free to get lung cancer from smoking or working with toxic substances. One is free to get fat. One is free to live on the streets of San Francisco.

If murder doesn’t deserve a death sentence, why should disbelief in masking?

If we had any doubts in our minds concerning how authoritarian the Dem party intends to be if it gets full power, things like this should clear it up.
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Are you at all acquainted with the secondary effects of smoking or the damage done to society by alcoholics and drug addicts and/or the untold millions of unborn who are killed via abortion?

Please take a good look in the mirror before you judge OTHERS (whole groups) of being selfish and unpatriotic.

Note: I don’t approve of this pastor’s actions per se but there are many things which society CONDONES which is harmful to us.
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May God please help this man to recover, in Jesus’ name we pray.

I hope he has learned a lesson from this, although I also know people who did everything they were supposed to do with masks, distancing and staying home, and still caught it. Fortunately they didn’t have severe cases.
Except those you post aren’t nearly as contagious to a group of others like this disease is. This man has complete and utter selfishness and disregard for others, especially coming from a “christian”. If we had any doubts how selfish and unpatriotic these conservatives are, this is another prime example.
What about college kids who are partying and practicing social distancing or mask wearing? We see the numbers that are being reported from universities. Certainly they are not all “conservatives”. Should they also be denied medical treatment? How selfish and unpatriotic are they?
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People like this don’t even deserve to receive life saving medical treatment.
That is never a Catholic approach. There is no person who does not deserve life saving medical treatment. Not even the worst person who ever lived.

To be pro-life, is to be pro-ALL-life. From conception to natural death.
I hope he has learned a lesson from this,
Probably not.
“May we keep our heads at a time like this,” Van Noy wrote. “And, may we defend our freedoms lest they quickly disappear. We will not close down our church, we will not stop singing praises to the Lord, and we will not be required to wear masks or refrain from allowing those who wish to wear one the opportunity.”
Van Noy’s church will soon host two controversial figures who’ve flouted coronavirus guidelines and questioned mask mandates: Charlie Kirk, founder of the conservative student group Turning Point USA, and Rob McCoy, a California pastor who was fined for holding indoor church services despite Covid-19 restrictions. The men will speak at services later this month to “work to make sense of what the church’s proper role in America can and should be in the face of increasing opposition and cultural animosity.”
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Young and silly, perhaps. But old enough to go off to university, drive, vote, get married… wearing a mask when it’s required it’s that far of a stretch. But I do see what you’re saying.
We are, of course, assuming he caught Covid in exercising his function as a pastor of this church. Truth is, we don’t know that. He could have caught it shopping at Walmart for all we know.

I know a family that is careful about Covid exposure to an almost ridiculous degree. The breadwinner stopped going to work. They wouldn’t let their children out of the yard, let alone go to school. They stocked up on food early on and wouldn’t touch it for a couple of weeks. Fortunately, they had a freezer full of meat and knew how to cook from “scratch”. They wouldn’t allow anyone into their house, mask or no mask.

The parents and two of the children caught Covid anyway. They have no idea at all where they got it. The husband added two more weeks to his exile after testing positive, then figured “what the heck” and went to work. I don’t think they wore masks in the house, but they did in the yard when they went out.

My wife works. Her employer fairly well segregates people, but it’s impossible to function without some person to person interaction. They do wear masks. Nobody is known to have caught Covid yet, though someone might have and remained asymptomatic.

I see people every day face to face and have probably worn a mask six or eight times. Am I immune? Lucky? Have I had it without symptoms?

Nobody knows and maybe nobody will ever know any of those things. But again, we really don’t know how this pastor caught Covid and probably shouldn’t put him to death for not wearing a mask anyway. For all we know, maybe he caught it praying with a dying parishioner or rescuing a crippled person from a burning building.
Except those you post aren’t nearly as contagious to a group of others like this disease is. This man has complete and utter selfishness and disregard for others, especially coming from a “christian”. If we had any doubts how selfish and unpatriotic these conservatives are, this is another prime example.
Yes BUT a Christian should not be expressing these sentiments either
People like this don’t even deserve to receive life saving medical treatment. If they want to gamble, they should suffer the consequences. Enough of the moral hazard bailing them out.
Prays for this ill person’s healing.
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People like this don’t even deserve to receive life saving medical treatment. If they want to gamble, they should suffer the consequences. Enough of the moral hazard bailing them out.
I thought self-described liberals were more compassionate than pro-birth conservatives. I was wrong.
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toabb . . . .
People like this don’t even deserve to receive life saving medical treatment.
This says a lot toabb.

Unfortunately it doesn’t say much about the victim.
Balto1 . . .
Oh no, it’s the consequences of my own actions
You have no idea where or how he got corona virus.

Maybe someone wearing a mask gave it to him?
That’s what I think as well. It is hard to beat the wisdom of the master writer.

That said, I do see where the state would have an interest in recovering money from the organizations who defied the orders, and thus cost tax-payers money. We cannot withhold life-saving care, but the state can file suit on behalf of taxpayers, like they did for tobacco.
Maybe someone wearing a mask gave it to him?
Do you honestly think that not wearing a mask prevents transmission of the virus and that wearing a mask does not?

Try sneezing without covering your nose and mouth in front of people. Chances are you’ll be getting the stink eye.
Sarcelle making bogus accusations against me . . . .
Do you honestly think that not wearing a mask prevents transmission of the virus . . .
Where have I EVER said or implies such inappropriate ideas?

You said it (about me no less).

Now you show it.

Please show me and the other readers where you are basing such an accusation.
Please link to it.
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