I love many things about Catholicism, the sad thing is I just don’t think it’s true anymore. I converted and lost my faith in less than five years.
The big question is: what now? A priest who knows me well gave me this advice (paraphrasing) “be as intellectually honest and precise as you can be, anything else clouds your intellect. I don’t want you to pretend you believe I want you to actually believe.” Which was really solid advice. Most lay Catholics told me to basically “fake it until I make it.”
But this begs the question: what now? I’ve tried to win back my faith, and failed. I can’t give myself faith, so it seems like I just need to walk forward and find out what happens.
Has anyone else on this forum gone through a similar experience?
The big question is: what now? A priest who knows me well gave me this advice (paraphrasing) “be as intellectually honest and precise as you can be, anything else clouds your intellect. I don’t want you to pretend you believe I want you to actually believe.” Which was really solid advice. Most lay Catholics told me to basically “fake it until I make it.”
But this begs the question: what now? I’ve tried to win back my faith, and failed. I can’t give myself faith, so it seems like I just need to walk forward and find out what happens.
Has anyone else on this forum gone through a similar experience?
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