If eternal damnation exists God is by nature evil.
Look at it this way: When you do something bad, you feel guilty, because we know what you did was wrong. We cannot escape the feeling of guilt unless we repent and do the right thing which bears the fruit of peace of soul. If we suppress the guilt it harden our hearts. That guilt and remorse one experiences is God urging us to repent. When one refuses to repent and chooses instead to suppress the guilt, that guilt develops into all sorts of psychological complexes, the consequence of unrepentant. Hell is like guilt, in that we are 100% responsible for its existence. In other words, God did not create hell, it is a state of being created entirely by the beings who chose to embrace evil rather than goodness through repentance. That’s the reason why Jesus said that every sin will be forgiven except the sin against the Holy Spirit. The sin against the Holy Spirit is the refusal to repent. They rather hate and curse God than to repent.
Since God is Truth and Love itself, God created you to have a share in His eternal Life and Glory. You can either follow your conscience and repent, or you can choose to not repent and live with the world of evil you have created for yourself and for others. Incredibly, there are people who willfully commit cruel acts of savagery and depravity against others, and instead of repenting they thirst to do more evil, being that they have completely suppressed God’s inspiration to repent.
Our life on earth is either a process of sanctification or demonization. And the further we move away from God through a life of sin, the more our mind is being demonized. All the wicked spirits of the dark known as the fallen angels or demons, were angelic beings that God created good. They rejected God thus they made themselves into demons. The same thing happens with human beings. There are people who have chosen to demonize themselves to the point where in the face of a man, woman or child pleading for mercy and compassion they find pleasure in committing even more acts of hatred and cruelty.
When a person dies and their eternal soul separates from the body the soul will either rise and fly toward the source of Goodness and Truth itself (GOD), or the soul will be repelled away from the brilliance and perfection of God, like darkness is repelled by light.
It is God who spends our entire life urging us to repent and choose the path of Goodness and Truth. Being that our soul is eternal, the spiritual realm of those who reject the light of the eternal God, repel themselves away from the light, and that eternal abyss is called hell. Hell is an existence created by the damned who curse and reject God rather than than to love and repent out of love for God and neighbor. Heaven and hell are outside of time, that is, an eternal unchanging “eternal now” and we will either inherit the Eternal Kingdom of God, or reject that inheritance.