Any ideas how to finance a Catholic-school education?

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Thanks for the info. I’ll have to check with my aunt as well. I found out that her kids went to public school, but for certain subjects such as literature went to the library to study. She had her own books for them to study in that subject. Not sure how it worked as far as instructing, assignments, testing, etc., but I’ll find out next time I talk with her.
Catholic Schools in this area (Delaware Valley) sometimes have a SCRIPP program. I am not too familiar with the exact workings of the program, but it gives a small percentage (maybe 3%) for every dollar spent at certain area retailers. At our parish, everything from supermarkets to department stores participates. You have to buy the scripp in increments of $25 or so, which you then use at local retailers, same as cash. You then get a credit for 3% of those increments toward tuition. I know families that have grandparents and neighbors who will buy scripp for that family, and it actually adds up to quite a bit off tuition.
I hope my explanation wasn’t too confusing. Ask your parish school if they participate in the SCRIPP program.

God Bless you for considering a Catholic School education! The sacrifices we made were absolutely worth it for our children.
Its’ called SACRAFICE. Parents who send their children to a Catholic school (Grammar/High School) give up a lot.
I agree we should be willing to sacrifice for our kids’ educations. But 30K per year for 4 kids? Some families don’t make that much or not much more.

One of the local parish schools recently cut our their multi child discount. It’s now $5000 per child across the board. Many families were upset. Here they are being open to life and their parish school tuition is out of reach. Sad. —KCT
I agree we should be willing to sacrifice for our kids’ educations. But 30K per year for 4 kids? Some families don’t make that much or not much more.

One of the local parish schools recently cut our their multi child discount. It’s now $5000 per child across the board. Many families were upset. Here they are being open to life and their parish school tuition is out of reach. Sad. —KCT
I think it is a shame that some Catholic families are either limiting their family size or sending mom back to work just to make tuition.

Here’s a handy second income calculator:
Wichita is a very orthodox diocese. But, you don’t have to move to Wichita to have what they have. Talk to your pastor and your parish council. TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH! If parishioners convert their hearts to the stewardship way of life and give back to God in return for the gifts God has given to them, the parish school will be funded. Children will grow up to be great and faithful Catholics and your vocations will thrive. Wichita currently has 37 seminarians. Biblically, we are asked to tithe 10%. This really works! God knew how it would work best! Wichita is the only stewardship diocese, but other parishes have converted to stewardship. Check out Blessed Trinity in Ocala, Florida.
We knew we wanted to send our kids to catholic schools so we looked ahead a bit and planned for it in a few ways.
  1. We picked a parish that reimburses us for up to a third of the tuition.
  2. We saved up.
  3. We bought a popup camper well before they hit school age and take our vacations in it for a fraction of the price of flying/hoteling/eating out.
  4. My wife works occasional weekends at her old hospital for more hourly than she made full time (since they don’t pay benefits for employees like this).
  5. We do the fundability / Scripp program for stuff we buy anyways (groceries and gas).
  6. We purposely downshifted one grade in lifestyle (base model cars, not cable, no high speed net, cheap cellphone, etc)
Added all together, we survive it.
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