Any Jews on the forums?

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Could you please post a transliteration of the Sh’ma? One of our then-reps who was Jewish gave me a copy and I lost it.

IIRC (correct me if I’m wrong), Hebrew is read bottom to top, right to left?
Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad

Hear, Israel. The Lord your God is one God.
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True story:

When I was doing my pro sem teaching experience, I was assigned to a Jewish teacher who taught World Religions at the public high school near me.

We were on Judaism and got to Abraham. A Jewish boy wearing a yarmulke asked me if I thought Israel belonged to the Israelis or the Palestinians. I was really irked that he asked me such a thing and said: “Well, I don’t know if you’re going to like this but this is how I feel: The Jews are descended from Abraham through Isaac. The Arabs are descended from Abraham through Ishmael. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a 3,000 years old family feud and it’s got to stop.”

After class, my teacher congratulated me on my “diplomatic” answer. I said I wasn’t being diplomatic and that’s how I really feel.

The next day I had to prepare an assignment for something on Christianity and I chose Iconoclasm because it’s practically ignored in the history books. I brought an icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help (that’s my avatar) and a hammer to school. (Today they’d both be confiscated because everyone is so security conscious.) I explained about iconography and how if St. John Damascene et al had not defended the use and proper veneration of icons, you’d have no Giotto, no Michelangelo, no Raphael, no art whatsoever today because in Judaism and Islam it is forbidden to make images (although I think Islam does allow images of nature but I’m not positive).
The Shama is also available online in Jewish for all to learn. It is in a language program with many languages and free programs for learning, when I remember its name I will link the Shama here.
The second line is
Praised be His Name Who’s glorious kingdom is forever and ever, Amen.

I can recite the Hebrew but not write it! 😂

Found it online!
Baruch Shem Kavod Malchuto L’Olam Va’ed,”
I haven’t often mentioned that I teach at a Catholic university. I think I mentioned it when I first introduced myself as a newcomer and maybe one other time.
I think you already got the answer. Thanks also for the real-life story. I can only add that Hebrew is read from right to left.
That’s hard to say. It seems quite Catholic to me in the traditional sense, but also “Catholic” in the sense of universal, even liberally-oriented perhaps because it is located in a liberal city and state. I don’t know how it rates on the National Catholic Register.

What do you mean by liberally oriented? Because liberalism isn’t something that the Catholic church is known for.
I have Jewish Heritage via my maternal grandfather, shalom, y’all!
One of my relatives started a rumor that we are partly descended from Ashkenazi Jews. So I took the DNA test (23andme) and encouraged my relatives to take it. Not only am I not at all Jewish, but the 23andme report was very informative in that Ashkenazi Jews carry a lot of genetic diseases unique to them. . . .
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I am 1.8% Ashkenazi if those DNA tests are to be believed. I like to think that’s where I get my good looks and intelligence.
One of my relatives started a rumor that we are partly descended from Ashkenazi Jews.
I’m Cherokee. I’ll take the test.

Oh, wait, that’s not me.


The family does believe we have some Cherokee, though. And with my grandfather’s family coming from Oklahoma, it’s likely.

We’re kind of skeptical of the online thing my daughter found to trace ancestry, though. Some things we knew. It wasn’t surprising to see a lord or three a couple of hundred years back. But then the full information on obscure nobility, and a sequence of royalty, and then the “___ of the Bible” had us scratching our heads (she hadn’t traced that far up the tree before). And then Set bar Adam, who is listed as the son of “Almighty God”, child of “the Big Bang” . . .

😱 🤯 😱
Margaret Ann,

In Hebrew the vowels are either long or short and both have different pronunciations

The word echad looks like this in Hebrew, remember read from right to left


The first letter, Aleph, is not pronounced, א.
Under this letter are three dots representing a short e. This is pronounced as the e in bet.
The second letter is אֶח a Het. This is a very gutteral letter, it is pronounced from the back of the throat and as the last two letters ‘ch’ in the word , ‘Bach’ ( famous musician).

The vowel under the Het is a long vowel a. It is pronounced as the a in ‘father’ ah.

The last letter is a dalet, a d. Depending on which pronunciation a person likes to use, it can be a hard ‘d’ or a soft ‘v’. Some people use old and some people use modern pronunciation of the dalet as a hard or soft letter depending on their stance on the presence or absence of the dagesh (little dot ) within the letter.

Look at some of the links and listen to them for a bit of a feel.
When pronouncing the ‘ch’ its like a gutteral kind of choke from the back of the throat.
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@Pattylt and @OurLadyofSorrows

I never knew that. Thank you both for adding to my knowledge. 🙂
The family does believe we have some Cherokee, though. And with my grandfather’s family coming from Oklahoma, it’s likely.
Another interesting thing is that from the point view of DNA, all North and South American natives are the same genetically, they all descend from the same group that crossed the Behring Strait so it seems there is no way to differentiate cherokee, navajo, or any other subgroup genetically.
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