Any OCDS here?

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YOU GO GIRL!!! I wanted to let you also know that I got an email from my OCDS president and she stated that we are to fast the day before any major feast day of the order. This friday, July 16th is the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. We are therefore to fast on thursday for friday’s feast day. At our mass on that day, one of the OCD brothers is going to make his first vows and we as members of the order are invited to attend. We should wear our brown scapulars to this service. We are there to show our support of him and to attend the Mass of Our Lady. Oh what a beautiful day to make his vows! I got clothed with the scapular on June 19th, which is the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, also a wonderful day. There is so much to remember, but I will hopefully do better once I am more versed in the order. Have a great day and a great feast day! The Archbishop of Bagdad will also be saying Mass on as members of the order are also invited to attend Mass on that day. I happen to be off this thursday and friday, so you know where I will be on those two days. We do not have to wear our Brown scapular on thursday, but it is required on the friday service. Joe (OCDS member, Holy Hill Chapter, Hubertus, WI).
thursday the 15th. as he is visiting from Iraq, and we

Joe, If you see my friend Fr. Pat be sure to say hi to him from Leo in Florida. Congrads on your clothing welcome to Carmel,. You are fortunate to be where you are (Holy Hill) it is a very Holy place, as well as beautiful.



I was wondering if there is anyone here in OCDS? I’m an aspirant, participating in a study group in Reno and thought it would be nice to see if anyone else from my family in Carmel is on the forum.

May the Peace of Christ be with you,

Yes Rose I’m OCDS. 🙂 How are you?
I am also an OCDS. I just got my scapular this past month and will start my formation/novitiate. If you want more information please go to a search engine and type “OCDS” and you will get alot of internet sites to get more information. I had just typed a whole description of the OCDS, but I apparently took to long that I lost my connection to this forum and my original reply did not get posted. So I need to make this shorter. It is a great way to get closer to Jesus through prayer and spiritual reading. We will be covering the writings of St. Teresa of Avila, foundress; St. John of the Cross; and St. Therese of Liseaux. They are all great writers and their methods of prayer have been an inspiration to many over the last 400 or so years. God’s blessings to all of you, and may your spirtual journey take you closer to Christ! Joe
Great Joe. I’ve been professed for nine years.🙂
Rose, I have been meeting with a group of women, and we are trying to get a Lay Discalced Carmelite group in our town. It takes alot of time to get one started, if you don’t have a group nearby to join.
Please say a prayer for our group.

Rose, I have been meeting with a group of women, and we are trying to get a Lay Discalced Carmelite group in our town. It takes alot of time to get one started, if you don’t have a group nearby to join.
Please say a prayer for our group.

I will Annie. I have alot of friends who are in your boat. OCDS is growing by leaps and bounds. 🙂
I just want to say for all those aspirants and novices out there, that never rush yourself with Carmel. Attending meetings and living the rule of life in aspirancy and novitiate is more about asking a question, rather than making up an answer.

I always said to myself and other aspirants and novices, after I was professed; never say and I am called - just ask the Lord **if **you are called. This is what discernment of a vocation is all about. The last thing Carmel wants, is a professed OCDS who wasn’t meant to be there in the first place.

Wait and pray, and hearken to His calling for you. Whether that is in Carmel or not, makes very little difference - for God can make you His beloved, no matter where you are. 🙂

God Bless.
I will Annie. I have alot of friends who are in your boat. OCDS is growing by leaps and bounds. 🙂
Thanks Redeemerslove, your prayers are very much appreciated. 🙂

I just want to say for all those aspirants and novices out there, that never rush yourself with Carmel. Attending meetings and living the rule of life in aspirancy and novitiate is more about asking a question, rather than making up an answer.

I always said to myself and other aspirants and novices, after I was professed; never say and I am called - just ask the Lord **if **you are called. This is what discernment of a vocation is all about. The last thing Carmel wants, is a professed OCDS who wasn’t meant to be there in the first place.

Wait and pray, and hearken to His calling for you. Whether that is in Carmel or not, makes very little difference - for God can make you His beloved, no matter where you are. 🙂

Thank you for stating what you said. I will definitely remember that and good luck in your vocation! Joe

God Bless.
Dear Aspirants, Novices and Professed, How precious you are and how very much Holy Mother Church, her children and the whole world are in need of our prayers. God bless you and keep you safe. …Patristic, Aspirant-OCDS
Rose, I have been meeting with a group of women, and we are trying to get a Lay Discalced Carmelite group in our town. It takes alot of time to get one started, if you don’t have a group nearby to join.
Please say a prayer for our group.

Hi Annie,

Sorry it has taken so long for me to get back to you. I’ve been busy and have avoided being on-line to stay focused on other projects.

I have said a prayer for you and your study group. Where in Illinois are you located? I know that for our Province (I’m not certain if it’s a broader move than that) they are requiring each study group to be attached to an active community and they are asking all isolate members to attach to a community.

We have been blessed in that our study group is attached to the Auburn group (approx a 1 1/ 2 hr drive from my home, vs 1 hr to our study group). Our formation director, who lives in Reno, (where we meet) has been the formation director in Auburn for a number of years. Unfortunately, one of our fully professed members just moved out of the area for family reasons (I’ll miss her).

Please pray for our study group as well. We would like to grow to at least the 10 member minimum so that we can be recognized as a Community in our own right. We have two isolate members of OCDS in the area. I pray that they choose to join us in community rather than leave Carmel.

Oh, another very special prayer request …

On the 15th of August, Pope John Paul II will be visiting Lourdes. Please pray that the Blessed Theresa of Calcutta intercede on his behalf and that the waters of Lourdes bring about a miraculous cure for our Holy Father. If you would be willing to say a rosary with this intention, I’d be especially grateful for your assistance.


We are 2 1/2 hours away from St. Louis, which is the closest community to us, CARose We still have not been able to get our Carmelite Group recognized, so I am starting Secular Franciscan inquiry classes this month.

The group of friends who are still trying to get recognized by the Carmelite Community, has been trying to do this for 3 years. I finally gave up, and now I am studying to be a Secular Franciscan.

I’ll keep you and your group in my prayers, CARose and I will be happy to say a rosary for the cure of John Paul ll. 🙂

We are 2 1/2 hours away from St. Louis, which is the closest community to us, CARose We still have not been able to get our Carmelite Group recognized, so I am starting Secular Franciscan inquiry classes this month.

The group of friends who are still trying to get recognized by the Carmelite Community, has been trying to do this for 3 years. I finally gave up, and now I am studying to be a Secular Franciscan.

I’ll keep you and your group in my prayers, CARose and I will be happy to say a rosary for the cure of John Paul ll. 🙂

I’ve been OCDS for ten years. The group we formed took three years to get recognized. No biggy, some groups take time to get up to strength.
I’ve been OCDS for ten years. The group we formed took three years to get recognized. No biggy, some groups take time to get up to strength.
Our big problem was the fact that besides having 10 members, two of the members must be professed and we could find no professed Carmelites in our area. Did you have 2 professed Carmelites at
your meetings, Redeemerslove?

We have been lucky in having several professed members when our Study Group began (one of whom has moved away).

Patience is a virtue and the best things are typically worth waiting for. But only God knows for certain where you are meant to be, so I wish you well as you continue in your discernment process.

And as for you, with OCD…

The Western Province held their congress last summer and because it was in the same state as our Study Group, we were asked to assist. I stood in the airport with an OCSD sign and yes, I was asked if we had something to do with a group for individuals with OCD. Sorry, wrong acronym. 🙂

I was also pleasantly surprised by a few individuals who stopped and commented that they new what OCDS was. I was led here by the Holy Spirit, so I’d had no previous exposure to the Order. It was nice to learn from those who knew of it, even while not being members, that they had positive impressions of us.

Oh, I was clothed into the order 2 weeks ago, so I guess I’m an official noviate now! 🙂

God Bless all our Carmel brothers and sisters!

Oh, I was clothed into the order 2 weeks ago, so I guess I’m an official noviate now! 🙂

God Bless all our Carmel brothers and sisters!

Congratulations, CARose!! I’m VERY happy for you!! 🙂 I have a friend who will be making her first promise soon. She is really thrilled!

For a group to get started in the right direction right from the start, following the rules is very important.

If it is Gods will your group get started, it will happen, if you have a vocation to OCDS, being a Franciscan is not a substitute. The charisms are totaly different.
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