Any young earth creationists out there?

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You’re typing all this gobbledygook on a computer, which wouldn’t exist without science
A fine observation, to be sure, but the physical dimension is a product of the ultimate reality of God’s spirit, a dimension in which science is clueless. In other words, science can only scratch the surface of reality.

Speaking of a practical use for science (the computer), can you now provide an example of a practical use for the “science” that says life evolved from microbes?
Speaking of a practical use for science (the computer), can you now provide an example of a practical use for the “science” that says life evolved from microbes?
Selective breeding of plants and animals. Genetic engineering. Evolutionary computation.
Selective breeding of plants and animals. Genetic engineering. Evolutionary computation.
Sorry, but you are wrong. None of these areas of science depend in any way on the “information” that life on earth evolved from microbes. No doubt you have been brainwashed into believing otherwise, but if you took the time to look into it, you wlll find that applied science depends on facts, not irrelevant tales about the days of yore.
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None of these areas of science depend in any way on the “information” that life on earth evolved from microbes.
Yeah, they do. How about you study it instead of calling me brainwashed. You’re just saying that it doesn’t apply without explaining how, which indicates to me that you don’t actually know what you’re talking about.
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So, since you don’t know if God actually exists, then I assume that you’re perfectly willing to admit, right here and now, that your belief in God may simply be a delusion.
My belief in God may simply be a delusion.
You should also be willing to admit that even if there is a God, His chosen prophet may be Muhammad, and not Jesus Christ. And that the Catholic church may have been deceiving people for almost two millennia now.
If my Catholic beliefs are a delusion, the teachings of Catholic Church may be wrong.
When it comes to the existence of God, you don’t know much of anything…do you (?)
I know that there is overwhelming evidence that God exists and that there is overwhelming evidence that the Catholic Church was founded by Jesus Christ.

What do you KNOW about the non-existence of God?
(By the way, this is all way off-topic. Since you are an angry atheist who wants to pick a fight with a Catholic, kindly find another thread to vent your spleen on.)
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Like, four years of college?
It’s often the case that uni graduates are the most brainwashed of all evo’s. A lot of them never grow out of the indoctrination they received at college; they are happy to mindlessly follow the herd the rest of their lives.

Look into it with an open mnd and you will find that the information/belief/theory that life on earth evolved from microbes is completley useless to applied science - it’s as irrelevant as a fairy tale. Sorry to shatter your illusion.
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Look into it with an open mnd and you will find that the information/belief/theory that life on earth evolved from microbes is completley useless to applied science - it’s as irrelevant as a fairy tale. Sorry to shatter your illusion.
I was a Young Earth Creationist at one point. I’ve already looked at the evidence, and I’ve already examined my beliefs. Nothing’s been shattered, because I know it’s not an illusion: you’ve given me no compelling reason to believe that evolution is bunk.
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, they do. How about you study it instead of calling me brainwashed. You’re just saying that it doesn’t apply without explaining how, which indicates to me that you don’t actually know what you’re talking about.
I’ve been on the lookout for a practical use for Darwin’s tree-of-life “discovery” for years and have never found one. Since you are sure they exist, please cite a specific example of one in any form of applied science.
I was a Young Earth Creationist at one point. I’ve already looked at the evidence, and I’ve already examined my beliefs. Nothing’s been shattered, because I know it’s not an illusion: you’ve given me no compelling reason to believe that evolution is bunk.
Oh, I get it - since you’ve lost the argument about a practical use for the theory of microbe-man evoluton, you’ve decided to change the subject.
Oh, I get it - since you’ve lost the argument about a practical use for the theory of microbe-man evoluton, you’ve decided to change the subject.
I was responding to your ad hominem comment about me being brainwashed. You never actually refuted the examples I presented - you just said I was wrong without explaining why.
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I already did.
Okay, let’s examine one of them - “Selective breeding of plants and animals”. How is the “information” that all life evolved from microbes useful in this field of science? Please cite an example.
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I guess a godless creation story with lots of holes in it is better than no story at all.
Forgive me, but “Godless”? I understand your sensitivity to accusations of misrepresentation, but it seems that either you did not read all my post, or that you have deliberately selected just small part of it with the intention of misrepresenting my opinions.
This statement is too absurd to even comment on - save that it is manifestly delusional.
How do you know? Have you any evidence to support this accusation?
Gives insight into cell mutagenesis, which has allowed scientists to use directed evolution to amplify certain proteins for various purposes
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“Empirical science cannot confirm a one time historical event”
There’s always the shroud of Turin. Only a fool would deny this to be the sign of the Resurrection.
Selective breeding of plants and animals. Genetic engineering. Evolutionary computation.
Genetic engineering has been taking place for a hundred of times longer (depending on how long we’ve actually been here) than since we came up with the story of evolution.

I don’t know much about evolutionary computation. Perhaps you could clarify how it is derived from a belief that our direct ancestor was a microbe.
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Gives insight into cell mutagenesis, which has allowed scientists to use directed evolution to amplify certain proteins for various purposes
What you are doing here is translating a process into an evolutionary framework. I haven’t heard anyone doubting the science that is behind the actual fact and techniques. The story of evolution is being challenged.

But your post brings up certain points. First of all mutagenesis is bad in nature. That is why we put on sun screen and ban or limit the use of certain solvents and insecticides. The intrinsic activity of atoms and molecules will not by themselves produced the organized structures we find in the simplest organisms. Which brings us to the second point, directed evolution. If you believe that we came to be through evolutionary processes, you must factor in the direct involvement of God. Order had to be imposed on what is otherwise chaotic. That being the case we are no longer talking about evolution - random mutation and natural selection.
Selective breeding is intelligent design as is genetic engineering. Evolutionary computation is wish fulfillment.
Four years of college does not amount to proof of anything as it relates to creation.
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