Any young earth creationists out there?

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There is a little heart at the bottom of posts that you can click if you like it. There should be one represented by a clown that we can click.

What say you guys?
So accurate, except for maybe the last line. Pope Francis might be too much of an evo-demon for him.
Kind” is not even a scientific term.
Maybe not, but you know what I mean. Let me put it another way, your example of the selective breeding of plants and animals involves microevolution, so how can a theory about macroevolution possibly be useful in this arena? I suspect you are talking nonsense - but please, be my guest, prove me wrong.

The bottom line is, you can’t give me an example of how the theory of microbe-man evolution is useful to applied science. That doesn’t come as a surprise.
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In other words, you can’t give me an example of how the theory of microbe-man evolution is useful to applied science. That doesn’t come as a surprise.
I did, but then you dismissed the examples out of hand.
Biology teacher: And the fossil record coupled with dna…
Glark: But sir! Sir!
T: Shut up, Glark. As I said, the fossil record…
But sir, Gould says the fossil record is characterised by sudden appearance and stasis, and that some fossil evidence “brings great distress” (to an evolutionist). Plus Darwin himself said the fossil record doesn’t show the gradualism that his theory predicts. There is also a distinct lack of transitional fossils between the major groups. And bloods cells and soft tissue have been found in some dinosaur remains. After thousands of years of animal and plant breeding, it there not the slightest bit of empirical evidence that suggests one kind of creature can evolve into another kind. Why do you not teach these facts, sir? How did you become so brainwashed and biased? Shouldn’t science be about honesty, sir?
I did, but then you dismissed the examples out of hand.
Humans and have been selectively breeding plants and animals for thousands of years, so are you saying that now this breeding can’t be achieved without accepting the theory of microbe-man evolution?
Atheists can rightly be considered delusional when they claim that a living cell can arise naturally from inanimate matter. It is clearly a scientific impossibility for such a complex and integrated system of machinery can arise by chance, therefore the atheist claim that it did is totally irrational and actually unscientific. Science has in is case provided very powerful evidence of God’s existence, but atheists choose to ignore it. (As Jack Nicholson once said, “You can’t handle the truth!”) So don’t try and tell me that atheists are rational, objective and unbiased when it comes to science, because that’s just deluded nonsense. On the contrary, they believe what they want to believe, regardless of science - and when it comes to evolution, I strongly suspect many atheist scientists present a twisted and biased view of the evidence for it.

With respect to microbe-man evolution, atheists would believe in it even if there were no “evidence” at all for it, because they need to an alternative “creation story” to one that involves God. Believing in the twin superstitions of natural abiogenesis and evolution evidently makes much more sense to them than believing in a divine Creator.

Anyhow, you didn’t answer my question - What do you know about the non-existence of God? For example, have you died and seen if God is on the other side or not? My guess is you haven’t, so you really haven’t a clue and your belief that God doesn’t exist may well be a delusion. So the next time you feel like accusing Catholics of being delusion, please understand that that blade cuts both ways.
I know one thing with absolute certainty, you’ll never, ever, know if God exists
Really? How about when you die and find yourself face-to-face with your
Creator? In that case, you won’t be a deluded and clueless atheist anymore.

And how do you explain miracles, if there is no God? I have already pointed out one miracle - the existence of any living organism, but there are literally millions of other miracles that people have personally experienced or witnessed.
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but in the end the evolutionist will always be one up on you, because if evolution is true, then there’s always the possibility that they’ll some day be able to prove it, whereas you’ll never be able to prove that there’s a God.
It is impossible to prove that life on earth evolved from a microbe - unless you have a time machine. So don’t hold your breath waiting for your proof! On the other hand, the existence of God will be proved to you when you die.

By the way, are you claiming that if evolution is true, this means God doesn’t exist?
I don’t know if science will ever produce a time machine, but if it did - great!

If a time machine can then prove evolution, so be it - God used evolution. I can live with that; it won’t kill my religious faith.
Alternatively, a time machine might prove that God created life in six days - I can live with that too. (But could you?)
A Pope is not infallible when it comes to science. The Holy Father can believe the moon is made of cheesecake if he likes.
Okay, well if you find yourself condemned to hell for eternity (and I sincerely hope you don’t), you can just keep telling yourself it’s an illusion. In that case, good luck!
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So even in death, you won’t know if God exists…you’ll never…ever…know.
Sounds like hell actually. The fact is that, lead a decent life rooted in love and you will realize you’ve known Him all along. You will laugh because it will be obvious because its real - the Light that illuminates the world, and not the shadows of our imaginations.
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