No. Honest YECs (and there are some) take the bible as their source of truth, but do not deny either the evidence of scientific observation, or the validity of the conclusions evolutionists draw from it. They just think that these conclusions are untrue. They admit quite happily that cosmological observations can be interpreted as showing that the universe is billions of years old, but simply do not believe that such an interpretation is correct. They admit quite happily that the fossil record can be interpreted as a succession of organisms over millions of years, but simply do not believe that such an interpretation is correct.Silly me, I should have realised that EVERYTHING written by YECs is rubbish.
These YECs are wise and gentle. They do not try to twist the book of Genesis to fit certain scientific interpretations that they feel forced to accept, and they do not pretend that a microbes-to-man interpretation of biological evidence is either illogical or unsubstantiated - they just don’t believe it. As God is capable of everything, so a literal creation of the modern earth ex nihilo in 144 hours, a rib becoming a woman, a talking snake and a global flood are all perfectly possible. And no scientists can gainsay such faith.
Naturally, the OP appeal: “Any Young Earth Creationists out there?” has not attracted these wise, honest YECs to any great debate. On the whole they do not proselytise, and they do not engage in scientific discussion, as there is no ground upon which the differing opinions can meet.
The YEC adherents trying to argue a case on this thread are very much “YEC manqué”. Their attempts to justify their case to us scientists rests on peculiar distortions of bits of Genesis which suit each individual’s failure of faith, and obstinate denials that scientific observations can be interpreted in the way evolutionists interpret it. Along the way they hastily construct defensive straw horses labelled ‘probability’ and ‘proof’, and chuck lumps of text from behind their barricades in the vain hope that one might explode. Poor things. Neither their faith nor their reason can sustain them. No wonder there is nothing left but manic laughter as the last straws slip from their grasps…