Any young earth creationists out there?

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How does the animals being saved in the ark fit into your “figurative” morality interpretation of the Flood? Likewise, what is your “figurative” interpretation of Noah taking one pair of the unclean animal and seven pairs of the clean animals? What is the “figurative” significance of applying tar to the ark inside and out? What is the “figurative” meaning of the ark being made out of gofer wood?
It heartening to know there are still authentic Catholic priests walking the earth. God always ensures that a faithful remnant exists in each generation.
Sorry, I can’t find the part in which he specifically refers to Genesis 1:14-18 - which is what I asked for. So can you point it out please?

What is the meaning of Genesis 1:14-18 if a “day” is an (Augustinian) instant? Is it possible Augustine looked at that passage and interpreted in literally, as every person who has ever read it has done? Why are you the only person in history who contends that Genesis 1:14-18 is not describing literal days?

What is your “figurative” interpretation of Genesis 1:14-18?
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Platypus anyone?
How many transitional fossils have been found between dinosaurs and birds, for example? If evolution is true, thousands of them should have been unearthed by now. The “tree of life”, with its claimed contiguous nested hierarchies seems to missing quite a few branches.
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How many transitional fossils have been found between dinosaurs and birds, for example? If evolution is true, thousands of them should have been unearthed by now. The “tree of life”, with its claimed contiguous nested hierarchies seems to missing quite a few branches.
It is. They have decided now is a tangled bush.
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How many transitional fossils have been found between dinosaurs and birds, for example? If evolution is true, thousands of them should have been unearthed by now. The “tree of life”, with its claimed contiguous nested hierarchies seems to missing quite a few branches.
There is a natural conspiracy against these transitionals. Only non-transitionals got preserved.
Ah hah. A conspiracy. Yes, only non-transitionals get preserved. This means something. You know, like there are no transitionals.
Imagination. Lots and lots of storytelling, followed by more storytelling. Example: It survived because it survived.
Hey folks. I was just wondering what neanderthals and Denisovans are according to young earthers? I’m actually curious. Are these folks considered human or animal? Children of Adam or something else?
Neanderthals and Denisovans were fully human and we interbred with both. Science talks about some pre-humans only a meter tall. The pygmy is alive and well today.
  • How does the animals being saved in the ark fit into your “figurative” morality interpretation of the Flood?
  • what is your “figurative” interpretation of Noah taking one pair of the unclean animal and seven pairs of the clean animals?
  • What is the “figurative” significance of applying tar to the ark inside and out?
  • What is the “figurative” meaning of the ark being made out of gofer wood?
Nice try at setting up straw men.

The sad thing is that you seem unaware that this is what you’re doing.

You see, in a literalistic interpretation, every element must be literally, historically true. That’s the whole point of fundamentalist-style literalism: every animal must be a literal animal, every drop of tar must be a literal drop of tar, and every plank of gopher wood must be a literal piece of wood.

However, in a figurative interpretation, these rules of interpretation don’t hold. That is, not every element must be ‘figurative’. When Jesus tells the parable about Lazarus and the rich man, there doesn’t have to be a figurative interpretation of the purple garments, or the sores or the dogs. These are all elements of the story, and the story is what is figurative.

So, rail away, if you wish! Your request for figurative interpretations of each element of the story only demonstrates your skill at setting up straw men. 😉
Sorry, I can’t find the part in which he specifically refers to Genesis 1:14-18 - which is what I asked for. So can you point it out please?
Actually, this is what you first asked for:
lots of folks argue that the ‘days’ are figurative
In that case, you won’t have any trouble citing a theologian who does. Thanks.
Only later, once I provided exactly what you asked for, did you break out the red herring of “Genesis 1:14-18”.

If Augustine says that the days are actually “an instant”, then that means that all the days are actually instantaneous. All of them. Day 1 (vv3-5), day 2 (vv6-8), day 3 (vv9-13), day 4 (vv14-19), day 5 (vv20-23), and day 6 (vv24-31). All of them, according to Augustine, are an instant.

Therefore, there is no word or phrase or sentence or paragraph that deals solely with vv14-18. Asking for a part that deals solely with that day? Red herring.

Here’s the fun part about red herrings: I’m going to walk away from this exchange, having demonstrated what you asserted doesn’t exist. You, however, are going to walk away, declaring victory – “A ha! I asked for a reference to vv14-18, and he couldn’t provide one! Epic fail!”

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Why are you the only person in history who contends that Genesis 1:14-18 is not describing literal days?
What an extraordinary thing to say. A ‘day-age’ interpretation of Genesis is one of the mainstays of some Creationist thinking.
How many transitional fossils have been found between dinosaurs and birds, for example? If evolution is true, thousands of them should have been unearthed by now.
Multiply that for an additional 10 million plant and animal species.
How many transitional fossils have been found between dinosaurs and birds, for example? If evolution is true, thousands of them should have been unearthed by now.
They have been. You put them in your car’s gas tank every day… 😉
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