But positing a pre-human Adam and Eve suggests a grunting almost-man and almost-woman already living in a fallen world; when they were then just infused with souls, were they immediately surrounded by Paradise?If we’re attempting a harmony between revelation and science, then this time of “using reason and intellect to improve society” happens after the fall. That means that there’s no conflict here, as you suggest there is.
The creation of Adam and Eve “good” implies that their bodily health would have from the instant of their coming into existence been free of illness, defect, and pain. But if they were soulless pre-humans for many years they this was probably not the case.How could it be anything other than good from the beginning? You’re not making sense, here…
This point is dealing with monogenism vs. polygenism. The entire population of the world today, and throughout history, is descended from Adam and Eve both biologically and spiritually.You’ll need to explain this a bit better; it’s not clear where you see the problem. If it’s propagation of human nature , then it’s only propagated after the fall !
I will expand on this point in this manner. All of visible creation and salvation history exists for the relationship between human beings and God. God did not make plants, or animals, or anything else within visible creation - besides man - in His image. At the risk of using a “why didn’t” question, I will anyway - if God wanted a relationship with other created beings, why didn’t He just end with the angels? My point is, in visible creation, man is God’s crowning achievement. Scripture and centuries of Church teaching taught the direct and creation of Adam and Eve, body and soul. The concept of infusing souls into pre-humans divorces God from His special creation of man. Obviously, many are comfortable with this view. But it conforms more to science, not to Scripture or centuries of Church teaching.How so?
Mark 10:6, “But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’” Jesus does not say from the instant of the first “ensouled” humans, but from the beginning of creation.Doesn’t cause a problem. Either way you take it – as “in the beginning” of their bodies, or “in the beginning” as humans – they were created male and female. No problem there.
Thank you for replying, you make many good points.