Any young earth creationists out there?

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No – for this thesis to work, each “true human” must merely have Adam and/or Eve as an ancestor.

Is that any more difficult to believe than the alternative – that is, that Adam and Eve both participated in parent-child and/or uncle-niece / aunt-nephew incest in order to populate the world?
No issue there at all. In the beginning it was necessary. It is against natural law in the direct line (parent to child) but not in the collateral line. The Book of Jubilees says Able had a twin sister Avan.
The Catechism says the Genesis creation account is written in figurative language,
it uses…

390 The account of the fall in Genesis 3 uses figurative language, but affirms a primeval event, a deed that took place at the beginning of the history of man. Revelation gives us the certainty of faith that the whole of human history is marked by the original fault freely committed by our first parents.
Starting from left to right which of these creatures had an immortal soul?
All the ones who were buried with flowers around them.
That’s really sweet that random mutations would give hominins the thought to do that.
Huh? When did I say the Chruch doesn’t allow belief in evolution?
The fact you write Catholic as your religion and argued evolution as a heresy implied it to me. But upon rereading U see what you meant.

So follow up question: Who is more trustworthy? The Church founded by Christ with centuries of tradition and deciding the canon if the Bible in addition to interpreting it or you, a guy with a Bible?
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They were fully ape. Just like we are fully ape. All species of Homo, both us and our close cousins such as the Neanderthals, fall under the “Great Apes” heading… we just happen to be very sophisticated, highly evolved, ensouled apes ;).
we just happen to be very sophisticated, highly evolved, ensouled apes
Of course we read about being ensouled, but what does it mean? How would you say that happens?

I guess it boils down to my thinking that you don’t know what you are talking about. You would know yourself whether you are merely repeating what you have been told or read. That’s your business, whether you want to get at the truth, the real stuff that you know because you know.

But, here we are discussing things. You are other to me as I am other to you. My being allows me to perceive, to feel, to think and to act. And that being is not solitary but is connected to what is other. That being is one in itself and in its connections. In other words, we are human souls organizing the material, all of which comes from something that was other and incorporated into ourselves, and the psychological as part of the unity we are. You may imagine yourself as some sort of ape, but the reality of who we are is the person, which is an expression of one humanity which began with the creation of Adam. Through his original sin, we decided we were gods without needing God, and thereby fell into a brokenness, within each of us and between us, to be healed in Christ.

Apes, really? I don’t think so.
Pope John Paul II, 1996:
In his encyclical Humani generis (1950), my predecessor Pius XII has already affirmed that there is no conflict between evolution and the doctrine of the faith regarding man and his vocation, provided that we do not lose sight of certain fixed points. … Today, more than a half-century after the appearance of that encyclical, some new findings lead us toward the recognition of evolution as more than a hypothesis.
So another Pope helps to clarify what Pius XII meant. Again, I’ll take the Pope’s words.
I’m in the company of popes. Take it up with them.

A new human is conceived through natural biological processes, taking DNA and organic matter from two parents. Yet mysteriously, God intervened and ensouls that new creation. I imagine something very similar happened with Adam and Eve.
Far more to it than that.
You really can’t accept that Evolutionists can believe in God, can you?
Over and over again you tell us what atheistic Evolutionists believe, which we all know very well, but the idea that theistic Evolutionists really exist just doesn’t make sense to you. I sorry about that, as it blocks any possibility of your discussing what theistic Evolutionists believe about the origins of things, and how they understand the biblical account. We understand all your arguments very well, such as they are; we just don’t think they describe what happened. You don’t even think we exist.
'round and 'round in circles we go…

I have no “beef” (lol) with you, because I know all you’re trying to do is to suggest precautions with regards to evolution. That’s fine. In no way am I saying that EVERY account or aspect of evolution is compatible with the faith.

But I think we can both agree that, at the very least, evolution as a biological process by which organisms were formed over time does NOT dispense with God, Genesis, or Catholic teaching.

Now, that’s me being kind to you. Because I’m starting to worry, on the other hand, that you’re deliberately going against the evidence that a Catholic can be faithful and accept at least SOME kind of evolution.

I hope that’s not the case. Whereas, for others on this thread, they seem to flat-out reject the notion that a Catholic can in principle accept evolution.
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Whoa, Hugh. You bring up the idea that you may just be an advanced AI. Or are you in charge of all of the “we”?

Ed 🙂
And, as in years past, the 'round and 'round in circles thing will go on forever. Unless you are an advanced AI that understands the concept of ‘worry.’

I’ll stick with Cardinal Schoenborn.

Ed 🙂
@edwest211 So you seem to beat around the bush.

I’ll take that you imply a Catholic cannot accept evolution.

Is that your view?
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