Is a builder required to build a house? Suppose a builder gathers all the materials to build a house on a plot of land and then sits and waits to see if these materials will somehow gather themselves together into the form and shape of a house with all the materials in the right place and order. Perhaps you may think, given enough time, perhaps billions of years, the materials will eventually gather and form themselves into the house with everything in proper order by natural processes of nature. I personally don’t see this happening nor has a house ever been found on the face of the earth or in the universe not built by human beings. And if we haven’t found or observed a house not built by human beings in the billions of years presumed age of the earth or universe, then we may well wonder and reasonably conclude that, indeed, a house requires a human builder. Now, you may think that the proposition ‘a house requires a human builder’ is a very simplistic shortsighted view of the natural processes of nature. However, the evidence or facts say otherwise. By analogy, the whole universe is as an artifact of God made by his own hands.
Further, since there is no evidence that the blind and mindless forces and processes of nature can construct a house, one may well wonder how those same mindless forces and processes of nature can construct the extremely complex human body. How is it that according to the evolutionary view mindless and inanimate nature can construct and organize itself into the highly complex human body but not into a simple house or even an axe? Can you explain that?