Why? It has been clear Catholic teaching for 1800 years or so. Americans know this.My point is that the literal six day creation story is not a widespread Catholic belief but one that is peculiar to the US.
Study as many of official Church documents and declarations as you can. When this search is taken to its conclusion, you will have the answer.How should I, the typical Catholic, determine whether no not a Catholic can accept evolution?
Currently, the Church allows belief in a certain form of theistic evolution as laid out in the few addresses, audiences, speeches, and a couple of encyclicals from recent and present pope beginning with Pope Pius XII in 1950. However, the Church does not affirm that evolution is true, at least the macro or cosmic variety, or that God created the world in this way. The Church also allows creationism belief which was the traditional or ordinary teaching of the Church throughout its whole history prior to essentially the second half of the last century in which it allows, as just mentioned, along side creationism belief, theistic evolution belief.How would a Catholic know if they could accept evolution or not?
Say a non-Catholic considering conversion to Catholicism accepts evolution and wants to know if he or she can still maintain that all biological organisms (including the human body) are related and derive from a common ancestor/organism(s) and have evolved over time. How would this potential convert determine whether or not their prior acceptance of evolution can be maintained as a Catholic?
It was a Catholic priest that came up with that idea.even the entire universe to a microscopic electron or infinitesimally small singularity.
But scientists are all atheists trying to kill religion. Why would a Catholic priest have any interest in acknowledging God, oh wait…It was a Catholic priest that came up with that idea.
There is no such teaching.Church teaching that Catholics may accept evolution
They have, multiple times. The evolutionists ignore them.In my opinion, it would be much easier for the Church to propose some sort of binding teaching
Of course it’s speculation. It’s attempting to find a way to accept what the Church teaches and also admit to what science has demonstrated.So true humans mated with a soulless humans and the offspring were true humans? This is a bit like claiming that if a human mated with a chimp, the offspring will possess a human soul. This is speculation. Your hypothesis for the disappearance of the race of Adam’s soulless ancestors is not based on Scripture or science, but purely on imagination. It’s a weak argument because it’s built on fantasy.
And I must say that the idea of a “true” human mating with a “human” without a soul is worse than absurd - it’s downright sick.
Nope. Bestiality would happen if a human mated with a non-hominin.In effect, you’re saying some true humans were the result of an act of bestiality.
No, that’s not true – you need to learn your Hebrew traditions a bit better, my friend. The “breath of life” is what makes us human. It makes us nephesh – a soul, a person. In other words, God first forms humanity and only then, does he make us human. Everything else? Formed from the ground. Period. No “breath of life”. So, this is a reference to what makes us human.Voila: Adam was “formed” before he received life. If Adam was “formed” from a living creature - ie, if he was the offspring of a living creature - he would already have life, so there would have been no need for God to breath into him “the breath of life”.
There is no such teaching.Church teaching that Catholics may accept evolution
Yeah, but for the sake of those who are willing to see the error of those who make this suggestion:Humani Generis. I could go on, but we’ve brought your horse to water many times and it still hasn’t drank.
the Teaching Authority of the Church does not forbid that, in conformity with the present state of human sciences and sacred theology, research and discussions, on the part of men experienced in both fields, take place with regard to the doctrine of evolution, in as far as it inquires into the origin of the human body as coming from pre-existent and living matter … provided that all are prepared to submit to the judgment of the Church, to whom Christ has given the mission of interpreting authentically the Sacred Scriptures and of defending the dogmas of faith.
1st cousin marriages are impeded by merely ecclesiastical law – the impediment may be dispensed.And that is the point. Brother sister marriages do not violate natural law, parent child does.