What we can and ought to learn from all this and in particular population genetic models that have been going on for a number of years now is that whereas 20-30 years ago science made the claim that a human population bottleneck could not have occurred with less than 4000-10000 individuals and possibly many thousands more, although that was debunked within a few years to 1000 or less individuals which apparently the writers of the articles in the links you provided were unaware of, the present research says that a bottleneck of two humans cannot be ruled out from an estimated 500,000 years ago. What I mean to say is that there are many areas of scientific research that are constantly changing, some theories based on innumerable and unprovable assumptions, so that what is claimed today is disproven tomorrow and thus the presumed science can be very unreliable.
Holy Scripture, the word of God, is wisdom, truth, science above all human sciences. In the words of St Thomas Aquinas, “This doctrine [Sacred Theology] is wisdom above all human wisdom; not merely in any one order, but absolutely.” And “Whatsoever is found in other sciences contrary to any truth of this science, must be condemned as false.” In the interpretation of Holy Scripture, Pope Leo XIII in PROVIDENTISSIMUS DEUS, stated that one should “carefully observe the rule so wisely laid down by St. Augustine-not to depart from the literal and obvious sense, except only where reason makes it untenable or necessity requires.”
‘Except where reason makes it untenable or necessity requires’ in relation to the discoveries of the natural sciences, St Augustine explains from the same work which Pope Leo XIII is citing from, only those discoveries that are 100% certain and without the possibility of any doubt such as those that can be experimentally verified. In other words, the eternal and unchanging Word of God is the final authority and all human sciences are as its handmaids.