However, given the amount of time that’s passed, I’m honestly unsure if my prayers are being taken seriously. I’ve probably never been this bitter before.
The blessing that I’m trying to achieve is primarily altruistic in nature. I want it for the sake of myself and others, however, if I have to wait until old age to get it, it will have expired in usefulness. This is where I believe my fear and bitterness stem from: The question of “How can God deny me something even if it’s good?”
If not having this “altruistic” intention answered affirmatively is causing you this degree of bitterness, that you would lose your faith, it may be time to do some reflection on the motivations behind your intention. Would being altruistic cause you to be proud of your accomplishments, to be honored by others, to have others look to your greatness instead of God’s blessings?
“God, please let me win the lottery so I can establish a philanthropic organization to do good.”
Well, sure that sounds good. But perhaps God would prefer I not rely on material wealth instead of Him. Perhaps He would prefer to allow others to participate in charitable acts from their need, instead of from their want. Perhaps God knows I am doing exactly the little works He wants from me in the day-to-day activities and interactions of being a teacher. Perhaps my well-reasoned and insightful plan just isn’t as good as I imagine.
When I was younger, people used to constantly tell me that God had great plans for my life…
God had great plans for the life of St Therese of Lisieux, a Doctor of the Church.
But she died at the age of 24, having accomplished exactly nothing in the eyes of the world. She was a cloistered nun who never did a single remarkable thing in her life, which was hidden from the world. She didn’t spend her life feeding the poor, or teaching children, or being a missionary. She prayed and made tiny sacrifices for the love of Christ. That’s all.
Look, I’m gonna just be straight up with you here. If you are so attached to your prayer intention that not getting what you want is causing you to lose your faith, then I am going to suggest that your intention isn’t actually about doing good, but is rather about you and your plans.
Let go of your plans and seek what God is planning.
Just two cents’ worth of opinion from a middle-aged woman who’s had to learn this lesson the hard way… over and over and over again.