Anyone had any prayers granted (*)

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To address the topic title, yes. We found the duplicate car keys last week, kept looking in vain, so i was praying to st Anthony among others before his feastday.

This one here is a big prayer intention. Years ago a family member was trying to conceive after not conceiving even after being married for i think 5 to 7 years. They did natural treatments. During the pregnancy, there was a time the baby was not growing. Now they are not religious and even pretty liberal. But devotion to Mother Mary is big here, they prayed to her. Well now that baby is a bright little boy and I can’t imagine life without him.
It seems you think God owes you more since you have put your faith in him and studied the Faith. God will answer prayers in his own way regardless of whether they are religious or not and if they read the Bible or not. Either God is just answering your prayer in the way he thinks is best or he truly doesn’t care because he is a not a personal loving God. You decide for yourself
It seems you think God owes you more since you have put your faith in him and studied the Faith. God will answer prayers in his own way regardless of whether they are religious or not and if they read the Bible or not. Either God is just answering your prayer in the way he thinks is best or he truly doesn’t care because he is a not a personal loving God. You decide for yourself
From the looks of people’s responses here, it would seem I’ve already been given my answer, which puts me in a sort of dilemma. I haven’t been able to find a single Christian that could condemn that dream thus far, so it’s probably best to assume that it was divinely inspired.

Also, for anyone who’s been reading this thread up to this point, please pray that I’m able to meet God’s requirements sooner rather than later. Love can oftentimes take a lifetime to cultivate, but it doesn’t have to be this way in every case. The sooner I get this prayer granted, the better, and I’m willing to do nearly anything to see that it’s given unto me as soon as possible, even if that means moving past the very prayer itself.
I see my prayers for others granted constantly.

Doesn’t really give me that punch happy donut glazed in the eyes feeling, but I am grateful that at least God is willing to help those that I can not help in a more tangible aspect.
I had a serious illness for over 20 years. Impacted my ability to do just about anything. I prayed constantly for it and nothing ever happened. I accepted it was just God’s will but always kept praying about it. Oddly I went to a healing mass (have been to many many of them) but this time I went for the intention of someone else. After that service I noticed my illness sort of went away. It is not perfect but there was definitely some type of healing. I know that is not encouraging to hear 20 years but I think God was using it to keep my close to Him and when I finally actually built a relationship with Him when I was not only begging to be healed some shifts happened.

Another word of advice is write down your prayers. I used to think mine never were answered, but then I started to see small prayers actually were answered and often quickly.
God said to Moses I will destroy these people and make a great nation out of you. Moses intercedes and says, if not for them then remember your promise to their forefathers, and God changed His mind.

Sometimes God only needs to witness someone care.

Such is the nature of intercessory prayer.
There’s something I’ve been praying about for nearly a year straight with no changes to the situation. I need encouragement because I can feel my faith and resolve slipping.
10 Lessons on Suffering From the Book of Job

9. Sometimes God is Silent

“I cry to you, but you do not answer me.” (Job 30:20)

For the first 37 chapters of this book, Job poured out his heart and God said nothing. Sometimes the Lord is silent. Don’t stop speaking to him. He eventually answered Job and will answer you too… when the time is right.
It’s hard to know if my prayers have been answered because oftentimes we do not know when God will answer them. He certainly hears them and answers them, but in accordance with His time
A muslim penpal lost all her savings to an ex partner and i offered a mass to our lady of fatima . 3 days later the inspector doing her case sent her a cheque with her savings . The case finally ended after 2-3 years. She was grateful to God.
Yep I know what that’s like…probably why I pray very, very little these days.
Too many to list - but not all immediately and not all as I had wished. A lifetime of patience is needed as God is not a spiritual vending machine.

I have had one rare and aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma three times and another similar to it once. I had a bone marrow cancer along with the other two simultaneously in 2015. My prognosis in 2009 was “extremely poor” and it dropped several times since then. Since then, prognosis no longer applied. Had a 30% chance of not surviving a stem cell transplant and overall, I was given a 99.5% chance of succumbing to all of this.

But I did not.

There are a minimum of 6,000 prayers documented at CAF and many others elsewhere. What I pray for now is to suffer well and that is slowly being granted.
What I pray for now is to suffer well and that is slowly being granted.
Your story is a powerful one. I am the kind of person who has never had a serious health issue, and extremely afraid of it. I pray that when my time comes to suffer, I can suffer well, but God knows how much I dread this! I am grateful to God everyday for my health.
Do not be afraid! God’s grace is sufficient. I should have died several times over, and years ago - but did not. Does all of this bring gratitude to my mind on a frequent basis?

You bet.
Yes. I was in a terrible situation about three years ago, not of my doing. I cannot discuss what it was, not on a public forum. Thoughts going through my head that I was not going to walk away from this. Suddenly I started praying the prayer to St. Michael the Archangel over and over, and aloud I don’t know how many times I repeated the prayer, I looked around and the situation I was in disappeared . I thank St. Michael for protecting me that day and everyday since…
God bless you and remember St. Michael is always there.

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