Anyone like going hiking?

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I love to hike, and actually prefer to hike alone. Otherwise I’m more focused on the person with me than the hike itself. When I see a beautiful view I like to share the moment with the Lord and pray.
Being realistic, I have never been a fast hiker ever, and don’t enjoy speed hiking at all, so it would likely take me 2 seasons and do half in each.
I haven’t actually been on a Hike hike ,apart from an organised weekend hike along the coast as a fundraiser for protecting unborn babies .It was great and not easy.Our little primary school had monthly walks of 12km through farmland ,which was fun.
I love the feeling of walking all day ,and it is on my to do list Curious 🙂 I just need a new pair of walking boots.
I’d suggest you hold your impressedness for when I actually achieve the goal, haha.
I’m a bit of a sporadic hiker. I have a buddy my age who took up serious hiking last year and he is out there every weekend even in bad weather. He promotes rock shows and one night he had a huge show that went till 2 am and I’m sure he was there an extra hour or two after it ended, and next morning about 9 am those of us who had been at the show were just rolling out of bed and hitting the shower and this guy was on social media posting hiking pictures cuz he’d already been out on the trail for 1-2 hours. That’s the kind of dedication I need.

These days I’m spending most of my weekends doing prayer or church stuff instead.
There’s some beautiful plantations around New Orleans, I went to Oak Alley last Christmas it’s beautiful 😍. Otherwise, I bet hiking around the Mississippi would be fun
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There’s a Marianist brother at my High School who loves hiking. He isn’t young but he’s amazing at hiking.
I get out in the woods to look at birds on a fairly frequent basis. I guess you could call it hiking. Last Sunday my wife and I set a blistering pace and covered 1.4 miles in 2 hours and 11 minutes.

It does bring me closer to God. Quietly walking through the forest looking and listening for birds is a lot like prayer. It’s just a matter of awareness.

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BTW, I walk unarmed. Hasn’t been a problem yet. 😁

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You’re not scared of that lil’ ol’ bear are you? That looks like a very young black bear and as long as you don’t keep food in or near your tent or bring your dog with you, you don’t have anything to worry about.
Dude be careful. Please :pray:t2:. I gotta say Guns make me paranoid, I’m glad we can’t buy them here!!!
I love hiking. Do it very often. One big advantage of living in Colorado…
This is what I carry on every hike over 30 minutes. I"m not a good shot, but this usually does the trick. Haven’t had a critter not run for the hills yet. 🧐

Once, three bears attacked me at once. I don’t know what I would have done otherwise.
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If it’s a grizzly mommy bear, I understand your concern.
Black mama bear with cubs is usually not a problem. She’ll send the cubs up a tree and avoid you till you’re gone, unless you have a dog. Dogs and bears = bad news.
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