Anyone whose life has been changed by Gibson's movie The Passion of the Christ?

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Has your life been changed or affected by your experience viewing Gibson’s*** The Passion of the Christ***? My husband and I were invited to go with our (Baptist!) friends and their church group. (We would have seen it on our own, anyway, but it was good to go with friends who love the Lord). My husband was not particularly passionate about his faith before viewing the film, but since, has been absolutely ardent and devout! This, needless to say, has brought great blessings to our family and marriage, in that his new found devotion edifies our family. I no longer have to beg him to go to Mass; he is the one who now checks confession schedules and reminds me we need to go…these are just two (very important) examples. He asks me questions about our faith, we now have discussions that were never before possible. He studies apologetics daily, reads about church issues constantly, and (what a joyous miracle for me) now wants EWTN on all the time! I can remember a few years ago I used to have to beg him to let me put EWTN on so that I could watch Mother Angelica. He used to give me such a hard time about it…now he relishes watching her ‘classic’ episodes…the same ones!

Has anyone else been affected by this film, or know someone who was?
Hi Mummybee:

I was so affected by Mel Gibson’s Passion movie that there are hardly any words I know to explain it. My husband and I had given up on our faith in God. We were Anglicans but had fallen away from church and just couldn’t seem to find our way. Several years ago I had an interest in the Catholic faith, but with the busyness of marriage and life my interests were shelved and forgotten.

Then the Passion movie came out in the theatres and I asked my husband if we could go to it. I cried during it and when it was over, I found I couldn’t speak for a while. We drove home in silence. The next day I started pulling out all my Catholic books and I bought some more apologetics books and I read and read and read. Then we both started going to Mass. I don’t know how to explain it but I know we have found the “One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.” I feel like I found my famiily and my home. We are starting RCIA classes in September.

If it wasn’t for the Passion movie, I’m not sure we’d be going to Mass or studying the Catechism of the Catholic Church. I thank my Jesus for His love and His leading us.

I was received into the church this Easter Vigil (Praise be to God). Seeing the Passion of Christ sumed up for me the reasons why I believe in God and Christ’s Church He established here on earth. I felt such an overwhelming feeling of guilt knowing that my sins helped drive those nails through His Holy body, but also a great sense of love in knowing that Jesus was willing to suffer His Passion for me. What Love!!! As a side note, my 10 year old son found the movie “boring” :confused:
I cried so much when I saw Jesus as a boy fall over in the movie, and Mary rush to His side…then it cut to Our Lord falling whilst carrying the Cross, and Mary rushing to His side again, and Jesus said “See Mother, I make all things new”.

I have tears now typing this.

The impact that short scene had on me was massive.

I have said this in another thread that Mel’s movie brought me back to my Church.

I now go every Sunday, and check when Confession is on.

I study Apologetics through this magnificent site, and I read the Bible daily.

I cannot describe the love I feel for Jesus, now that I have been able to “see” it through a movie. I guess it took Hollywood to show me, as I am human, and need all my senses to “see”

Love Kellie
What a thrill to read about how this film has had such a dramatic affect on all of your lives!!! Patricia, congratulations, and thanks be to God!! Kellie, you know, that exact same scene was the one that had the most dramatic affect on me. MKW, WELCOME!!! Thanks be to God!!!

You know, this film has helped me in my relationship with Mary, too. I’ve always had the greatest respect for her, and pray the rosary, and when I need to utter an emergency prayer, it’s always instinctively the Hail Mary. However, I’ve never felt close to her. Something in my heart wouldn’t let me feel her as my mother…she was too perfect, perhaps??? Anyway, after seeing this film, seeing her in a normal human context, utterly devoted to her child, I fell in love with her. I realized that my own life experience (I lost my mother at age 5, and spent my life perfecting my ability to live without a mother figure) I resisted allowing her to be my mother. Seeing the sweet moments between her and Jesus, seeing them in a human context, allowed the floodgates to open. I’m just beginning to let her love me… :love:
We had several discussions at our church following the movie, and I don’t think there was a person who saw it who wasn’t changed in some way. Some were profound, others were small, but significant.

One man said he just didn’t sweat the small stuff anymore; after seeing all that Jesus did for us, some small inconveniences didn’t bother him anymore. He even said he didn’t get upset at other drivers on the road anymore (which, his wife said, was pretty significant!).

For me, it just increased my appreciation of Jesus’ love for me. I had been meditating on His Passion for awhile, and would often pray the Stations of the Cross, Rosary, and Chaplet of Divine Mercy. But NOW – they have so much more impact as I recall scenes from the movie. Since I saw the movie (the Friday after Ash Wed. when it came out) I have been praying the Rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day! It seems like so little in comparison…

I think Jesus’ mercy upon us, his compassion on all those He met along the way, the EMBRACING of the cross, all really touched me deeply. It just reminds me that His mercy is there, just waiting for us to call upon it for ourselves and for others! :bowdown2:
I cried so much when I saw Jesus as a boy fall over in the movie, and Mary rush to His side…then it cut to Our Lord falling whilst carrying the Cross, and Mary rushing to His side again, and Jesus said “See Mother, I make all things new”.

I have tears now typing this.

The impact that short scene had on me was massive.

I have said this in another thread that Mel’s movie brought me back to my Church.

I now go every Sunday, and check when Confession is on.

I study Apologetics through this magnificent site, and I read the Bible daily.

I cannot describe the love I feel for Jesus, now that I have been able to “see” it through a movie. I guess it took Hollywood to show me, as I am human, and need all my senses to “see”

Love Kellie
Well done Kellie, you said you needed all your senses to see, a bit like my defense of statues, anyway God Bless.
Yes, yes, yes!!! I’m not going to go into details but there was something in my life that I needed to change but I wasn’t too worried about it. I watched “The Passion” on Ash Wednesday and when they raised the Cross with Christ nailed to it that particular thing flashed right before my eyes as bold as day. I was struck with the intense and undeniable feeling that God was speaking to me right then and there with that message and He was saying, “This needs to change NOW.”

I could not deny God and I immediately started taking steps to change and I’m happy to say that it has been done. 🙂
My life hasn’t changed per se, but I do have something to share…

I took a half day off work on Great and Holy Friday (Good Friday for you Latins) and went to see the Passion of the Christ…

When Jesus was brought before the Jewish leaders I started to get a migrane… As he was being scourged it got worse… It was one of the worst migranes I have ever had in my life…

It is something I will not forget for a long time…
After viewing “The Passion,” the seriousness of sin and the terrible price paid for our redemption really hit home. Ever since then I have made an effort to pray daily and read good Catholic books to help me on my journey. And never, ever again will I receive Communion if I know that I have an unconfessed mortal sin on my soul.
Wow! (sorry…that sound cheesy. But still, it’s amazing to me how powerful Mel Gibson’s movie has been!)
I was received into the church this Easter Vigil (Praise be to God). Seeing the Passion of Christ sumed up for me the reasons why I believe in God and Christ’s Church He established here on earth. I felt such an overwhelming feeling of guilt knowing that my sins helped drive those nails through His Holy body, but also a great sense of love in knowing that Jesus was willing to suffer His Passion for me. What Love!!! As a side note, my 10 year old son found the movie “boring” :confused:
Me, too!

As for your son… please realize that the images that we all see in our daily lives – whether fact or fiction – are embedded in our psyches. So, what your son saw is now THERE – even at a level that he could not possibly be consciously aware of.

A seed has been planted for him.

I don’t know kid psychology, but isn’t it a 10-year-old’s “job” to be emminently bored, anyway? Or maybe just **apparently ** “bored” at all times?

No worries. Seed has been planted.

Ya done good!
I was received into the church this Easter Vigil (Praise be to God). Seeing the Passion of Christ sumed up for me the reasons why I believe in God and Christ’s Church He established here on earth. I felt such an overwhelming feeling of guilt knowing that my sins helped drive those nails through His Holy body, but also a great sense of love in knowing that Jesus was willing to suffer His Passion for me. What Love!!! As a side note, my 10 year old son found the movie “boring” :confused:
Me, too!

As for your son… please realize that the images that we all see in our daily lives – whether fact or fiction – are embedded in our psyches. So, what your son saw is now THERE – even at a level that he could not possibly be consciously aware of.

A seed has been planted for him.

I don’t know kid psychology, but isn’t it a 10-year-old’s “job” to be emminently bored, anyway? Or maybe just **apparently ** “bored” at all times?

No worries. Seed has been planted.

Ya done good!
now i wish i had’ve seen the movie. I couldn’t afford it when it came out. I’ll watch it on DVD but will it have the same effect?
I don’t think that, necessarily, the movie will have the exact same experience on video/DVD as on the big screen.

But then, again, it’s not the experience – it’s the effect that the Lord is providing.

Please do not be afraid that seeing the movie on the small screen will not have exactly the effect that the Lord wishes for it to have for you.

Because, big or small screen, God is bigger than even the size of the screen having the impact He wishes for you to have.

It’s up to us to humbly submit ourselves to whatever the movie will do that God wants for it to do for each of us.

P.S. The movie is still playing at several theaters in my town. Maybe it still is playing in your town?

Wish I had your address… I’d send you a money order for you and a friend to go see it together at the theater of your choice!
Thanks very much for the offer but I have the money now, i just need to find a theater. If not, I’ll get it on DVD and watch it and have my heart open to the lord!! Thank you so much for your generostiy, it’s much apprectiated!!! Your’e so nice!!!🙂
I must be about the only person left in the USA that hasn’t seen the Passion movie :rolleyes:

My sister, my husband and 3 sons went to see it and just hearing them describe it in detail was a moving experience. For some reason, I didn’t want to go see it but will watch it when it comes out on video. Maybe I just don’t want to be seen crying in public or feel I would like to see it in private.
Just my sons describing the movie has helped me meditate on Our Lord’s Passion. I recently picked up a booklet called “The Compassion of the Tother in the Passion of the Christ” Here is an excerpt: …"After Jesus flashes back to His hidden life with His Mother, the two of them exchange glances, Mary renews her fiat, and the Passion begins. Again, it is Mary’s presence that encourages Our Lord during the horrific scourging. After His condemnation by Pilate, He receives the cross, embraces it and quotes the scriptures…Later, Jesus’ “Look, Mother, I make all things new,” in response to Mary’s “I am here”, at their meeting along the way of the cross is a statement which suggests that His Mother is on the “inside” of His work. He does not feel sorry for Her, He sees Her as a partner in His work…As Jesus is nailed to the cross, Our Lady is practically prostrate, gripping the earth in Her own moral agony. When the cross is raised Mary stands, and in a pose remarkably like that of the image of Our Lady of Grace, lets the earth fall from Her hands. Maia Morgenstern said in an interview that the dropping of the dirt was a modification of a Jewish custom, in which a mother losing a child will throw dirt over her shoulder. The desperation of such an act, I think, is inverted to show the Virgin Mother’s acceptance and sacrifice…
What a coincidence - just yesterday, a good friend & I were out & she brought it up. We had gone to see “The Passion” the week after Easter, and while I was really broken up during & after, she was much more stoic. In fact, a few days later she said that she was very worried about me because I was in such an emotional state (thank God for giving us good friends). It took me a good 2 days to pull myself together, but I have explained to her that my reaction, while intense, was a good thing as far as I was concerned.

As far as a lasting effect goes, it has made me take everything about my faith much more seriously. I was born & raised in the Church & while I never rebelled much or rejected it, I had become lukewarm & took it for granted. While at the time I saw the movie I was gradually “heating up”, it went ahead & re-lit the fire. The chief effect on me personally was the overwhelming love that Christ has for me as an individual, and how all my life He was telling me but I didn’t listen. Now, I try to reciprocate & tell Him that I love Him every day, but also try my best to show Him that in everything I do.
Super Mom:
I must be about the only person left in the USA that hasn’t seen the Passion movie :rolleyes:
No you are not the only one who has not seen it. My husband is away 90% of the year and I am alone with my son, so I have missed the theater showings. Although I’m sad I missed seeing it on the big screen, I am overjoyed I will be able to watch/own it when the movie comes out on DVD.

I know a lot of people have been touched and returned the Church after watching this movie. Hopefully I too will be able share in the love.
I had been toying with idea of going to Church and I really couldn’t imagine being anything but a Catholic if I was going to be a Christian at all, seeing “The Passion” defintely helped me make up my mind.
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