Anyone whose life has been changed by Gibson's movie The Passion of the Christ?

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Veronica Anne:
Me, too!

As for your son… please realize that the images that we all see in our daily lives – whether fact or fiction – are embedded in our psyches. So, what your son saw is now THERE – even at a level that he could not possibly be consciously aware of.

A seed has been planted for him.

I don’t know kid psychology, but isn’t it a 10-year-old’s “job” to be emminently bored, anyway? Or maybe just **apparently **“bored” at all times?

No worries. Seed has been planted.

Ya done good!
And don’t forget, the movie was in Aramaic, Latin & Hebrew with subtitles. Kind of a stretch for any 10-year-old!
Super Mom:
Maybe I just don’t want to be seen crying in public or feel I would like to see it in private.
You wouldn’t have been alone. Actually, if you weren’t crying you’d be alone. 😉 The movie was very moving.

When I went to see it with my fiance, the theatre was packed. We knew alot of people there too–a couple priests, a baptist pastor, a methodist youth director, and countless people from all sorts of denominations. And when it was over, that room was the quietest place in the world. Absolute stunned silence.

Some baptists I know said that Mel Gibson’s directing and Jim Caviezel’s portrayal of Jesus lead them to think they may have been wrong about Catholics. They, and I, believed that Caviezel (a devout Catholic) gave a powerful performance that was no doubt inspired by true faith. (I love Caviezel, especially since he refuses to certain scenes in movies because it is against his faith–we need more of that in Hollywood!)

Anyways, it changed my life. Bless you all!
Boy did I cry during this movie!

The one area it has helped me in is during my meditations…I can now visualize the scenes from the whipping, the way of the cross and the crucifixtion MUCH BETTER during the Sorrowful Mysteries than ever before!
I have never been so moved by a religious movie before. Let me tell you first, I heard all the reviews, how great, yet how gorey this movie was… Now, all of my life I haven’t been able to watch anything with blood or torture. I haven’t even seen Jaws yet. Now here I was really torn, I knew I should see it but I also knew I probably couldn’t handle it. After many weeks of indecision, my son told me he would go with me and that I needed to see this movie. I was born Catholic and had a devout Catholic mother and attended church regularly and believed in Jesus and Mary and I knew that praying was the answer. I asked Jesus, please give me the strength to view this movie. I was scared. My son, already saw it so he knew the bad parts, and then he said “here we go”. It was bad, but for some reason it didn’t bother as I thought it would, but I believe Jesus wanted me to see this movie and gave me the strength. I had heard that people were very sad and bothered by this movie, but when I came out , I was happy. Happy that I saw it and happy because I was filled with such love for Jesus Christ. I had always heard in Church, to reflect on the passion but didn’t really understand untill now,what that meant. Mel Gibson did, and wanted us all to see what Jesus went through to save us. I am a devoted Catholic now and I never miss mass on Sunday. Thank You Mel.
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