AP: In big states, tiny counties, Trump attacking voting rules

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I think we found in 2000 that there are parts of our election system that can’t withstand scrutiny.

Apparently, ballots are thrown out routinely for being improperly marked or other reasons. that does need to be solved, but I think we’ve made progress since 2000.

I am amazed and concerned at the unforced errors like wrong addresses on envelopes and things like that.
Apparently, ballots are thrown out routinely for being improperly marked or other reasons. that does need to be solved, but I think we’ve made progress since 2000.
I don’t see how there could possibly be an improvement.
I don’t see how there could possibly be an improvement.
More reliable voting machines/methods. My county abandoned high tech computerized voting machines for scanners. The ballots are physical and can be recounted.

That’s better.
On this we can agree.Easier for all people to vote ,regardless as to whether or not they are actually elegible🙄
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Vote harvesting, all of that.
I’m confused. The first article uses anonymous sources. I thought Republicans didn’t believe anonymous sources.

But, I’ll stipulate that Democrats and Republicans try to play dirty tricks on each and mess with ballots. Okay.

As for the second article - this is not voting, this is registration. I’m shocked one can register to vote without proof of citizenship.
And the democrats haven’t been trying to influence voter rules over the past 20 years?
Yes, they have been trying to make it easier for people to vote.
As early and as often as possible
Poll watchers are essential to fair elections and have been a longstanding practice.
They also have a long-standing practice of intimidation and voter suppression. In this day and age though, there should be a compromise that would allow remote monitoring that would not intimidate voters.
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I know they are wanting to do away with verifying signatures on mail in ballots and we already know they have been successful in voter ID being banned in some places.
Be specific. What has been banned is ‘new voting requirements designed to affect poor and minority voters’. That’s what the Republicans came up with and what got axed.
More reliable voting machines/methods. My county abandoned high tech computerized voting machines for scanners. The ballots are physical and can be recounted.
My county still uses digital voting machines. But those voting machines print out QR codes. The machines are not networked. The printed QR code is inserted I to another machine to be tallied. If votes must be recounted, they can rescan the codes.
It’s a good thing the census is continuing until Halloween. They need to count all those extra citizrns that they don’t know about.

What has been banned is ‘new voting requirements designed to affect poor and minority voters
What was banned, that minority and poor people can not do?
If a conservative were to contend that a racial minority was incapable of following the basic steps of registering to vote, getting an ID, then actually going and voting, imagine the screams and accusations.
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