AP Report Oct 22 2020 "Plot thickens over origins of pope’s civil union endorsement"

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Pope Francis has states that marriage is between a man and woman. I was the one who mentioned the wills. It’s not the Church’s business to ensure that all of God’s creatures are treated fairly? How could Christian charity include writing a child out of a will just because he’s gay? "Admonish the sinner’ and ‘instruct the ignorant’ are spiritual works of mercy.
His predecessors were misquoted, too. I remember the media flury when PBXVI mentioned the use of condoms.
Once in a blue moon yes. But we are running at the rate of several times a tear
I think it would be beneficial for all of us to pray and fast for our Church and our vicar.
And other priests have said it was mistranslated. So who do we believe? Since he comment that ‘homosexuals have a right to be in a family’ was directed toward parents
Thank you for pointing this out @lwest.

And this is one of the many reasons why I get upset with other Catholics who tell me I must OBEY and BELIEVE whatever the USCCB tells me to, particularly when it fits their narrative.

If priests can disagree and be incorrect, then so can bishops.
I really wish that the Pope could choose his words more carefully. He is driving people from the church not bringing them in.
Absolutely agree. I posted something very similar in another thread.
I see no signs of this happening, yet - instead I see compromise upon compromise with the contradictions of the world. I see a swamp in the Church hardly distinguishable from the swamp in the world. Yet God has not yet, not today so far, dealt with us as we deserve. Still He holds back, with mercy.

Will we change? Will we learn? Will we repent and reform and return to the vocation Christ has laid upon us?
Everything we are seeing, reading, hearing, and experiencing tells us we as a nation are moving farther and farther from Christ. But Glory be to God that in all evil he brings a greater good.
It’s not the Church’s business to ensure that all of God’s creatures are treated fairly? How could Christian charity include writing a child out of a will just because he’s gay? "Admonish the sinner’ and ‘instruct the ignorant’ are spiritual works of mercy.
What does fairly mean? Fair as in equal dignity? Yes. Fair as in, you all get the same inheritance? No. One could feasibly argue that writing a child out of the will who is gay (and actively in a SS “union” who refuses to repent and be chaste) is a way to encourage that child to change his or her behavior. Yes?
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I could argue that either way. What about other sins? Would you disinherit your child if your child was committing fornication? Gossiping? Overeating? Stopped going to Mass? How would you differentiate sins that are ‘acceptable’ in terms of an inheritance and sins that aren’t? Any of those sins I mentioned could be mortal sins.
So what if you child is a dead beat? what if your child hate you as a parent?

So if they are written out because they are gay, that is wrong. But if they are written out because they worship left the church, that is ok?
Through money?
How much is your dignity worth?
What is your price?
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The point I was trying to make is that I think it would be wrong to disinherit a child because he was gay and I think that is what Pope Francis was alluding to. I was responding to the previous comment which seemed to say that it would be acceptable to disinherit a child because he was gay.
Unfortunately, in this day and age, there are always those who will pounce on comments, statements, directives - what have you - and misconstrue or misinterpret to their own advantage. Sometimes the more clear you try to be, the fuzzier it becomes. It becomes so easy to take something out of context.
What does fairly mean? Fair as in equal dignity? Yes. Fair as in, you all get the same inheritance? No. One could feasibly argue that writing a child out of the will who is gay (and actively in a SS “union” who refuses to repent and be chaste) is a way to encourage that child to change his or her behavior. Yes?
Then you must accept that the world is free to withhold public funding, benefits and privileges from our Catholic Hospitals and schools etc for not accepting its secular rights and values?
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So if youre are an awful straight child your parents can remove you from the will. If youre an awful gay child your parents can not remove you from the will?
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I’m not sure what I said to give you the impression that that’s what I believe. I don’t think children should be removed from wills. Period. Is that clear enough?
So now you are claiming at all children have a right to their parents money? You just keep digging this hole deeper and deeper, soon you’ll get to china
They do. By law. In our country.
Different countries , different laws.
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And you’re saying any kids who sins in the least should be disinherited? I’ve made my stance clear. Please do the same.
All the Pope/Vatican needs to do is offer a simple clarification. But I see none. How come? It’d prevent so much confusion in the Church.
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