Hi Buffalo!
Sure, other possibles,no problem. The only rule I would insist is in the ground rules, and that is to state what earthly date(time line) an event occured relative to an agreed known time an event occured in this dimension.
For instance, some may advance a theory that Adam and Eve were inserted during the copper age, 8000(?) or so years ago, and that implies present time as the relation.
(It is beginning to look like science is pretty close to proving the great flood occured 7600 years ago, Nat. Geog.2004)
You immediatly find yourself in trouble if you accept the 8000 year theory, as day 1 was the creation of the earth. Therefore, the earth was created sometime quite near to 8000 years ago.
All other factors should fit as well. If some agree the earth creation event was formed 4 billion years ago+ -, (our timeline) then what was happening on earth from year 3,999,992,000 back to year 1, assuming year 1 was the year the last “earth building” meteorite hit the earth.
We can go deeper. We need to place it in context of other living creatures as well, as there is but one day difference between us in creation. We would then have to explain why primate DNA is 98% exactly to man’s, and limit all event explainations to the timespan of 8000 years, if that is when you say He made man, which is day 5(if I remember my Genesis,Story 1) of that time line.
Frankly, the hair pulling is a pain, I would prefer to just be content that God loves us and He placed us in dominion over all the other animals. Maybe He thought it would be good for us to be formed gradually into our present, what a better sanctifying process. It doesn’t detract one iota from the fact we are NOW in His image, that He took mud(primal matter,chemical compounds) to form us.
Also, who’s to say God’s years are the same as ours?, and if time is relative, then 1 day to create man is just as irrelevant as 3 million years.
We’re here, rejoice!!